Welcome 30 Tips to Distinction Series for Coaches and Consultants
New Series: 30 Tips to Distinction for Coaches and Consultants [...]
00: Welcome to Listener Into Lead Podcast Series
Welcome to the Listener Into Leader Podcast Series for Coaches [...]
01: 5 Key Foundations to Be Seen as an Authority in your field
Welcome to Industry Thought Leader Podcast - Episode 1: 5 [...]
IWFCI Podcast
To be the Voice for women-led SME’s around the globe, championing economic empowerment for women. Interviews will continue to encourage, educate and equip women-led SME’s around the globe for business growth and international trade. Founded in 1992 by Diana Abruzzi, the International Women’s Federation of Commerce and Industry (IWFCI) is the world’s first Chamber of Commerce for women. IWFCI Podcast is a collaboration between IWFCI and Ambitious Entrepreneur Podcast Network.
How to Get Media Exposure for Your Business With Monica Davis
How to get Media Exposure for your business with Monica [...]
[Ep#03] How to Improve your Word of Mouth Referral Opportunities
Topic: How to Improve your Word of Mouth Referral Opportunities [...]
[Ep#02] How to Build a 7-Figure Business for Coaches & Consultants
Topic: How to Build a 7-Figure Business for Coaches & [...]
How to Navigate the Marketing Maze with Ailsa Page
How to Navigate the Marketing Maze with Ailsa Page Welcome [...]
[Ep #14] How To Protect Your Business from CyberCrime
Welcome to SMART Connect Podcast episode 14, featuring business experts [...]
[Ep #13] Define Your Brand Essence and Positioning
Welcome to SMART Connect Podcast episode 13, featuring business experts [...]

IWFCI Podcast
To be the Voice for women-led SME’s around the globe, championing economic empowerment for women. Interviews will continue to encourage, educate and equip women-led SME’s around the globe for business growth and international trade. Founded in 1992 by Diana Abruzzi, the International Women’s Federation of Commerce and Industry (IWFCI) is the world’s first Chamber of Commerce for women. IWFCI Podcast is a collaboration between IWFCI and Ambitious Entrepreneur Podcast Network.
[Ep #87] Stop Chasing Your Tail – Take Strategic Action
Podcast Topic: Stop Chasing Your Tail - Take Strategic Action [...]
[Ep #214] How To Grow a Successful Online Business Even If No-one Has Ever Heard of You
Topic: How To Grow a Successful Online Business Even If [...]
[Ep #66] Why Asking for Help is NOT a Sign of Weakness as a Leader
Topic: Why Asking for Help is NOT a Sign of [...]
[Ep #16] How to Build a Successful and Profitable Business
Welcome to SMART Connect Podcast episode 16, featuring business experts [...]
[Ep #10] How to Feel & Look Amazing after 45
Topic: How to Feel & Look Amazing after 45 Hi [...]
[Ep #208] Why the ‘Hustling-at-all-costs’ model is working backward
Welcome - this is episode 208, I’m your host Annemarie [...]
[Ep #15] The traditional “sales funnel” thinking is flawed: Here’s why…
Welcome to SMART Connect Podcast episode 15, featuring business experts [...]
[Ep #04] Research-backed Tips on Increasing Your Website Conversions
With more than 92% of Australians actively online over 70% [...]
[Ep #64] How to Recognize and Own Your Expertise
As a leader, whether it be in your own business [...]

Managing People
IWFCI Podcast
To be the Voice for women-led SME’s around the globe, championing economic empowerment for women. Interviews will continue to encourage, educate and equip women-led SME’s around the globe for business growth and international trade. Founded in 1992 by Diana Abruzzi, the International Women’s Federation of Commerce and Industry (IWFCI) is the world’s first Chamber of Commerce for women. IWFCI Podcast is a collaboration between IWFCI and Ambitious Entrepreneur Podcast Network.
[Ep #87] Stop Chasing Your Tail – Take Strategic Action
Podcast Topic: Stop Chasing Your Tail - Take Strategic Action [...]
[Ep #09] Key Recruitment Insights to Ensure Success for Your Business AND Your New Sales Person
Key Recruitment Insights to Ensure Success for Your Business AND [...]
[Ep #01] How To Build a $100 million Professional Services Business
How to Build a $100 million Professional Services Business Welcome [...]
[Ep #186] How to Unlock Success in The New Shared Economy
How to Unlock Success in The New Shared Economy My [...]
[Ep# 185] How to hire the RIGHT VA to support the growth of your business
How to hire the RIGHT VA to support the growth of [...]
[Ep #48] How to Achieve Your Goals with Your Own Business Advisory Board
How to Achieve Your Goals with Your Own Business Advisory [...]
[Ep #177] How to Build Relationships Faster by Reading People's Faces
How to Build Relationships Faster by Reading People's Faces. Imagine [...]
[Ep #46] True Leadership is a State of Being and not just a learned skill
True Leadership is a State of Being and Not Just [...]
Women In Leadership Podcast with Annemarie Cross
Women In Leadership Podcast: empowering women to achieve their full potential whether they are in corporate or working in their own business. Guests will be sharing the highs and lows of their careers, the challenges they had to face head-on, as well as their words of wisdom to help us become more purposeful in all aspects of our lives, our businesses and our careers. We'll also be sharing a new theme, which aligns with Annemarie's #BEtheDifferenceMovement - something very close to her heart. This segment is all about challenging the status quo, the same ol’ same ol’ BS that is sadly rampant across many industries, and having the courage to ask: “Say’s who? Why not? But, What If?” It’s also about creating a community where women are welcome and encouraged to step forward and share the message that’s been placed on her heart without fear of being judged, criticised or ridiculed by haters and naysayers. It’s about giving women permission to BE the Tall Poppy; to speak out against the BS, the injustice that’s happening and what she believes in, in a positive and empowering way. Because she knows to MAKE a difference, she needs to BE the difference. With confidence and compassion.

Accounting & Finance
IWFCI Podcast
To be the Voice for women-led SME’s around the globe, championing economic empowerment for women. Interviews will continue to encourage, educate and equip women-led SME’s around the globe for business growth and international trade. Founded in 1992 by Diana Abruzzi, the International Women’s Federation of Commerce and Industry (IWFCI) is the world’s first Chamber of Commerce for women. IWFCI Podcast is a collaboration between IWFCI and Ambitious Entrepreneur Podcast Network.
[Ep #07] Is your business ready for disruption?
Is Your Business Ready for Disruption? Welcome to SMART Connect [...]
[Ep #06] How to Be Better Prepared to Give Credit to Customers
How to Be Better Prepared to Give Credit to Customers [...]
[Ep#189] Is Your Business Ready for Disruption?
Is Your Business Ready for Disruption? My guest today believes [...]
[Ep #50] You Can't Fix Cashflow with Cash
You can't fix cashflow with cash Welcome to Episode 50 [...]
[Ep #41] How to Become Financially Savvy for More Cash Flow, Profits & Freedom in Your Business
How to become financially savvy. Welcome to Episode 41 of Women [...]
Women In Leadership Podcast with Annemarie Cross
Women In Leadership Podcast: empowering women to achieve their full potential whether they are in corporate or working in their own business. Guests will be sharing the highs and lows of their careers, the challenges they had to face head-on, as well as their words of wisdom to help us become more purposeful in all aspects of our lives, our businesses and our careers. We'll also be sharing a new theme, which aligns with Annemarie's #BEtheDifferenceMovement - something very close to her heart. This segment is all about challenging the status quo, the same ol’ same ol’ BS that is sadly rampant across many industries, and having the courage to ask: “Say’s who? Why not? But, What If?” It’s also about creating a community where women are welcome and encouraged to step forward and share the message that’s been placed on her heart without fear of being judged, criticised or ridiculed by haters and naysayers. It’s about giving women permission to BE the Tall Poppy; to speak out against the BS, the injustice that’s happening and what she believes in, in a positive and empowering way. Because she knows to MAKE a difference, she needs to BE the difference. With confidence and compassion.
Ambitious Entrepreneur Show – Annemarie Cross
Building the business of your dreams, doing what you love does NOT have to be hard, frustrating and exhausting IF you know the RIGHT steps! Annemarie shares breakthrough money, marketing and mindset strategies so you can get noticed, hired AND paid what you're worth! Time to get going - NOW!
Ask The Expert Podcast
Featuring Business Experts from around the globe, who share key insights and strategies to help you take your business to the next level. Whether you are a coach, consultant, solopreneur, practitioner or small business owner – this show is a must listen. Join Annemarie as she asks our experts pertinent questions to reveal the key strategies they have used to create 6-figure, multi 6-figure, and even 7-figure businesses.

19. A Word in Season: Preparing for the Second Half of the Year Through Prophetic Word
Welcome to the Kingdom Women Entrepreneurs Podcast! In today’s episode, [...]
18. KWE Q&A Talkback Sessions!
Hello, Kingdom Women Entrepreneurs! We are thrilled to release our [...]
17. Health is Wealth: Boost Your Immunity and Thrive This Winter
In this episode we're diving deep into the essentials of [...]
16. How to Grow Your Business
In today's powerful session, we unpacked the art of niche [...]
15. How to Launch Your Podcast
Welcome to a brand new episode of the Kingdom Women [...]
14. “What does it mean to be a Kingdom Women Entrepreneur?”
Welcome to the Kingdom Women Entrepreneurs Podcast! Today, we dive [...]
13. New Year, New You!
Hello, radiant listeners, and welcome to another inspiring episode of [...]
12. Miracles and Great Moves of God in Our Lives
Welcome to another inspiring episode of the Kingdom Women Entrepreneurs [...]
11. The Gifts of the Spirit
Entrepreneurs, are you ready to tap into the power of [...]
10. Bringing God’s Truth into the 7 Spheres of Influence
Welcome to another episode. In this episode titled "The 7 [...]

01: 5 Key Foundations to Be Seen as an Authority in your field
Welcome to Industry Thought Leader Podcast - Episode 1: 5 [...]
IWFCI Podcast
To be the Voice for women-led SME’s around the globe, championing economic empowerment for women. Interviews will continue to encourage, educate and equip women-led SME’s around the globe for business growth and international trade. Founded in 1992 by Diana Abruzzi, the International Women’s Federation of Commerce and Industry (IWFCI) is the world’s first Chamber of Commerce for women. IWFCI Podcast is a collaboration between IWFCI and Ambitious Entrepreneur Podcast Network.
[Ep#02] How to Build a 7-Figure Business for Coaches & Consultants
Topic: How to Build a 7-Figure Business for Coaches & [...]
[Ep #202] How to Achieve a Sales Conversion Rate of 94% for your Small Business
Sales (and the topic of selling) is something that sadly [...]
How to Build Your Business with Strategic Sales and Marketing Systems
How to Build Your Business with Strategic Sales and Marketing Systems [...]
[Ep #193] How to Get in Front of Your Ideal Client with Linkedin Ads
How to Get in Front of Your Ideal Client with [...]
[Ep #192] How to Start an Ecommerce Business with your phone and Instagram (with little to no money)
How to Start an Ecommerce Business with your phone and [...]
[Ep #55] Humility: The First & Most Important Characteristic of an Effective Leader
Humility: The Most Important Characteristic of an Effective Leader Welcome [...]
[Ep #177] How to Build Relationships Faster by Reading People's Faces
How to Build Relationships Faster by Reading People's Faces. Imagine [...]
[Ep#176] How to Commercialise Your Innovation and Take it to World Markets
How to Commercialise Your Innovation and Take it to World Markets [...]

IWFCI Podcast
To be the Voice for women-led SME’s around the globe, championing economic empowerment for women. Interviews will continue to encourage, educate and equip women-led SME’s around the globe for business growth and international trade. Founded in 1992 by Diana Abruzzi, the International Women’s Federation of Commerce and Industry (IWFCI) is the world’s first Chamber of Commerce for women. IWFCI Podcast is a collaboration between IWFCI and Ambitious Entrepreneur Podcast Network.
[Ep#02] How to Build a 7-Figure Business for Coaches & Consultants
Topic: How to Build a 7-Figure Business for Coaches & [...]
[Ep #13] Define Your Brand Essence and Positioning
Welcome to SMART Connect Podcast episode 13, featuring business experts [...]
[Ep #195] How to Setup, Scale and Sustain Your Business
How to Setup, Scale and Sustain Your Business Joining me [...]
[Ep #01] How to Build a Brand That'll Win The Heart of Your Ideal Customer
How to Build a Brand That'll Win The Heart of [...]
[Ep #01] How To Build a $100 million Professional Services Business
How to Build a $100 million Professional Services Business Welcome [...]
[Ep #48] How to Achieve Your Goals with Your Own Business Advisory Board
How to Achieve Your Goals with Your Own Business Advisory [...]
[Ep#176] How to Commercialise Your Innovation and Take it to World Markets
How to Commercialise Your Innovation and Take it to World Markets [...]
[Ep #175] How to become known as an Influencer on Linkedin
How to Become Known as an Influencer on Linkedin Did [...]
Women In Leadership Podcast with Annemarie Cross
Women In Leadership Podcast: empowering women to achieve their full potential whether they are in corporate or working in their own business. Guests will be sharing the highs and lows of their careers, the challenges they had to face head-on, as well as their words of wisdom to help us become more purposeful in all aspects of our lives, our businesses and our careers. We'll also be sharing a new theme, which aligns with Annemarie's #BEtheDifferenceMovement - something very close to her heart. This segment is all about challenging the status quo, the same ol’ same ol’ BS that is sadly rampant across many industries, and having the courage to ask: “Say’s who? Why not? But, What If?” It’s also about creating a community where women are welcome and encouraged to step forward and share the message that’s been placed on her heart without fear of being judged, criticised or ridiculed by haters and naysayers. It’s about giving women permission to BE the Tall Poppy; to speak out against the BS, the injustice that’s happening and what she believes in, in a positive and empowering way. Because she knows to MAKE a difference, she needs to BE the difference. With confidence and compassion.

IWFCI Podcast
To be the Voice for women-led SME’s around the globe, championing economic empowerment for women. Interviews will continue to encourage, educate and equip women-led SME’s around the globe for business growth and international trade. Founded in 1992 by Diana Abruzzi, the International Women’s Federation of Commerce and Industry (IWFCI) is the world’s first Chamber of Commerce for women. IWFCI Podcast is a collaboration between IWFCI and Ambitious Entrepreneur Podcast Network.
[Ep#03] How to Improve your Word of Mouth Referral Opportunities
Topic: How to Improve your Word of Mouth Referral Opportunities [...]
[Ep #205] Protect Your Business from Cyber Crime
According to the 2016 Symantec Internet Security Threat Report – [...]
[Ep #03] Using Technology to Drive Productivity & Profitability: The First Profit Stack
Using Technology to Drive Productivity & Profitability: The First Profit Stack Welcome [...]
[Ep #02] Using Technology to Drive Productivity & Profitability: The Five Profit Stacks
Using Technology to Drive Productivity & Profitability: The Five Profit Stacks [...]
[Ep #190] How Google Will Rank Your Brand Online
How Google Will Rank Your Brand Online According to my [...]
[Ep #04] How Google Ranks a Brand Online
How Google Ranks a Brand Online Welcome to SMART Connect [...]
[Ep #01] How To Build a $100 million Professional Services Business
How to Build a $100 million Professional Services Business Welcome [...]
[Ep#176] How to Commercialise Your Innovation and Take it to World Markets
How to Commercialise Your Innovation and Take it to World Markets [...]
Women In Leadership Podcast with Annemarie Cross
Women In Leadership Podcast: empowering women to achieve their full potential whether they are in corporate or working in their own business. Guests will be sharing the highs and lows of their careers, the challenges they had to face head-on, as well as their words of wisdom to help us become more purposeful in all aspects of our lives, our businesses and our careers. We'll also be sharing a new theme, which aligns with Annemarie's #BEtheDifferenceMovement - something very close to her heart. This segment is all about challenging the status quo, the same ol’ same ol’ BS that is sadly rampant across many industries, and having the courage to ask: “Say’s who? Why not? But, What If?” It’s also about creating a community where women are welcome and encouraged to step forward and share the message that’s been placed on her heart without fear of being judged, criticised or ridiculed by haters and naysayers. It’s about giving women permission to BE the Tall Poppy; to speak out against the BS, the injustice that’s happening and what she believes in, in a positive and empowering way. Because she knows to MAKE a difference, she needs to BE the difference. With confidence and compassion.

IWFCI Podcast
To be the Voice for women-led SME’s around the globe, championing economic empowerment for women. Interviews will continue to encourage, educate and equip women-led SME’s around the globe for business growth and international trade. Founded in 1992 by Diana Abruzzi, the International Women’s Federation of Commerce and Industry (IWFCI) is the world’s first Chamber of Commerce for women. IWFCI Podcast is a collaboration between IWFCI and Ambitious Entrepreneur Podcast Network.
[Ep #190] How Google Will Rank Your Brand Online
How Google Will Rank Your Brand Online According to my [...]
[Ep #58] How to Articulate Your Value to The World
How to Articulate Your Value to The World Welcome to [...]
[Ep #02] How to Ensure Success with Your Content Marketing
How to Ensure Success with Your Content Marketing Welcome to [...]
[Ep #178] Public Speaking: How to Combat Your Nerves
Public Speaking: How to Combat Your Nerves Imagine you’re about [...]
[Ep #177] How to Build Relationships Faster by Reading People's Faces
How to Build Relationships Faster by Reading People's Faces. Imagine [...]
[Ep #175] How to become known as an Influencer on Linkedin
How to Become Known as an Influencer on Linkedin Did [...]
Women In Leadership Podcast with Annemarie Cross
Women In Leadership Podcast: empowering women to achieve their full potential whether they are in corporate or working in their own business. Guests will be sharing the highs and lows of their careers, the challenges they had to face head-on, as well as their words of wisdom to help us become more purposeful in all aspects of our lives, our businesses and our careers. We'll also be sharing a new theme, which aligns with Annemarie's #BEtheDifferenceMovement - something very close to her heart. This segment is all about challenging the status quo, the same ol’ same ol’ BS that is sadly rampant across many industries, and having the courage to ask: “Say’s who? Why not? But, What If?” It’s also about creating a community where women are welcome and encouraged to step forward and share the message that’s been placed on her heart without fear of being judged, criticised or ridiculed by haters and naysayers. It’s about giving women permission to BE the Tall Poppy; to speak out against the BS, the injustice that’s happening and what she believes in, in a positive and empowering way. Because she knows to MAKE a difference, she needs to BE the difference. With confidence and compassion.
Ambitious Entrepreneur Show – Annemarie Cross
Building the business of your dreams, doing what you love does NOT have to be hard, frustrating and exhausting IF you know the RIGHT steps! Annemarie shares breakthrough money, marketing and mindset strategies so you can get noticed, hired AND paid what you're worth! Time to get going - NOW!

01: 5 Key Foundations to Be Seen as an Authority in your field
Welcome to Industry Thought Leader Podcast - Episode 1: 5 [...]
IWFCI Podcast
To be the Voice for women-led SME’s around the globe, championing economic empowerment for women. Interviews will continue to encourage, educate and equip women-led SME’s around the globe for business growth and international trade. Founded in 1992 by Diana Abruzzi, the International Women’s Federation of Commerce and Industry (IWFCI) is the world’s first Chamber of Commerce for women. IWFCI Podcast is a collaboration between IWFCI and Ambitious Entrepreneur Podcast Network.
[Ep#03] How to Improve your Word of Mouth Referral Opportunities
Topic: How to Improve your Word of Mouth Referral Opportunities [...]
[Ep #10] Grow Your Business By Running Great Workshops
Grow Your Business By Running Great Workshops Welcome to SMART [...]
[Ep #07] Is your business ready for disruption?
Is Your Business Ready for Disruption? Welcome to SMART Connect [...]
[Ep #01] How to Build a Brand That'll Win The Heart of Your Ideal Customer
How to Build a Brand That'll Win The Heart of [...]
[Ep #05] How to Successfully Apply for Government Grants
How to Successfully Apply for Government Grants Welcome to SMART Connect [...]
[Ep#00] Welcome to Plan2Brand Podcast
Plan2Brand Podcast Welcome to Plan2Brand Podcast - THE monthly podcast [...]
[Ep #01] How To Build a $100 million Professional Services Business
How to Build a $100 million Professional Services Business Welcome [...]
[Ep #186] How to Unlock Success in The New Shared Economy
How to Unlock Success in The New Shared Economy My [...]

Organizational Culture
IWFCI Podcast
To be the Voice for women-led SME’s around the globe, championing economic empowerment for women. Interviews will continue to encourage, educate and equip women-led SME’s around the globe for business growth and international trade. Founded in 1992 by Diana Abruzzi, the International Women’s Federation of Commerce and Industry (IWFCI) is the world’s first Chamber of Commerce for women. IWFCI Podcast is a collaboration between IWFCI and Ambitious Entrepreneur Podcast Network.
[Ep #87] Stop Chasing Your Tail – Take Strategic Action
Podcast Topic: Stop Chasing Your Tail - Take Strategic Action [...]
[Ep #02] Success Starts With True Clarity
Success Starts With True Clarity Welcome to episode 2 of Business [...]
[Ep #195] How to Setup, Scale and Sustain Your Business
How to Setup, Scale and Sustain Your Business Joining me [...]
[Ep #01] How To Build a $100 million Professional Services Business
How to Build a $100 million Professional Services Business Welcome [...]
[Ep#56] How to Identify and Complete your God-given Purpose in your Life and Business
How to Identify and Complete your God-given Purpose in your [...]
[Ep #186] How to Unlock Success in The New Shared Economy
How to Unlock Success in The New Shared Economy My [...]
Women In Leadership Podcast with Annemarie Cross
Women In Leadership Podcast: empowering women to achieve their full potential whether they are in corporate or working in their own business. Guests will be sharing the highs and lows of their careers, the challenges they had to face head-on, as well as their words of wisdom to help us become more purposeful in all aspects of our lives, our businesses and our careers. We'll also be sharing a new theme, which aligns with Annemarie's #BEtheDifferenceMovement - something very close to her heart. This segment is all about challenging the status quo, the same ol’ same ol’ BS that is sadly rampant across many industries, and having the courage to ask: “Say’s who? Why not? But, What If?” It’s also about creating a community where women are welcome and encouraged to step forward and share the message that’s been placed on her heart without fear of being judged, criticised or ridiculed by haters and naysayers. It’s about giving women permission to BE the Tall Poppy; to speak out against the BS, the injustice that’s happening and what she believes in, in a positive and empowering way. Because she knows to MAKE a difference, she needs to BE the difference. With confidence and compassion.
Ambitious Entrepreneur Show – Annemarie Cross
Building the business of your dreams, doing what you love does NOT have to be hard, frustrating and exhausting IF you know the RIGHT steps! Annemarie shares breakthrough money, marketing and mindset strategies so you can get noticed, hired AND paid what you're worth! Time to get going - NOW!

IWFCI Podcast
To be the Voice for women-led SME’s around the globe, championing economic empowerment for women. Interviews will continue to encourage, educate and equip women-led SME’s around the globe for business growth and international trade. Founded in 1992 by Diana Abruzzi, the International Women’s Federation of Commerce and Industry (IWFCI) is the world’s first Chamber of Commerce for women. IWFCI Podcast is a collaboration between IWFCI and Ambitious Entrepreneur Podcast Network.
[Ep #57] If You Don't Ask – You Don't Get & Other Success Insights for Women In Business & Executive Leaders
If You Don't Ask - You Don't Get & Other [...]
[Ep #186] How to Unlock Success in The New Shared Economy
How to Unlock Success in The New Shared Economy My [...]
[Ep#51] Five things that will keep your coaching business stuck
Five things that will keep your coaching business stuck and [...]
[Ep #182] Five things that will keep your business stuck and what to do instead
Five things that will keep your business stuck and what [...]
[Ep#181] Reclaim Your Purpose & Passion for Baby Boomer Business Owners
Reclaim your purpose and passion for Baby Boomer business owners. [...]
Women In Leadership Podcast with Annemarie Cross
Women In Leadership Podcast: empowering women to achieve their full potential whether they are in corporate or working in their own business. Guests will be sharing the highs and lows of their careers, the challenges they had to face head-on, as well as their words of wisdom to help us become more purposeful in all aspects of our lives, our businesses and our careers. We'll also be sharing a new theme, which aligns with Annemarie's #BEtheDifferenceMovement - something very close to her heart. This segment is all about challenging the status quo, the same ol’ same ol’ BS that is sadly rampant across many industries, and having the courage to ask: “Say’s who? Why not? But, What If?” It’s also about creating a community where women are welcome and encouraged to step forward and share the message that’s been placed on her heart without fear of being judged, criticised or ridiculed by haters and naysayers. It’s about giving women permission to BE the Tall Poppy; to speak out against the BS, the injustice that’s happening and what she believes in, in a positive and empowering way. Because she knows to MAKE a difference, she needs to BE the difference. With confidence and compassion.
Ambitious Entrepreneur Show – Annemarie Cross
Building the business of your dreams, doing what you love does NOT have to be hard, frustrating and exhausting IF you know the RIGHT steps! Annemarie shares breakthrough money, marketing and mindset strategies so you can get noticed, hired AND paid what you're worth! Time to get going - NOW!

Worklife Balance
IWFCI Podcast
To be the Voice for women-led SME’s around the globe, championing economic empowerment for women. Interviews will continue to encourage, educate and equip women-led SME’s around the globe for business growth and international trade. Founded in 1992 by Diana Abruzzi, the International Women’s Federation of Commerce and Industry (IWFCI) is the world’s first Chamber of Commerce for women. IWFCI Podcast is a collaboration between IWFCI and Ambitious Entrepreneur Podcast Network.
[Ep #03] How to Take Care of Your Baby, Your Business AND Yourself in an Intuitive Way
How to Take Care of Your Baby, Your Business AND [...]
[Ep #187] How to Instantly Recognise and Release Anxiety
How to Instantly Recognise and Release Anxiety. Did you know that [...]
[Ep #54] Joy & Happiness: The Keystone To Our Success
Joy & Happiness: The Keystone To Our Success Welcome to [...]
[Ep#181] Reclaim Your Purpose & Passion for Baby Boomer Business Owners
Reclaim your purpose and passion for Baby Boomer business owners. [...]
Women In Leadership Podcast with Annemarie Cross
Women In Leadership Podcast: empowering women to achieve their full potential whether they are in corporate or working in their own business. Guests will be sharing the highs and lows of their careers, the challenges they had to face head-on, as well as their words of wisdom to help us become more purposeful in all aspects of our lives, our businesses and our careers. We'll also be sharing a new theme, which aligns with Annemarie's #BEtheDifferenceMovement - something very close to her heart. This segment is all about challenging the status quo, the same ol’ same ol’ BS that is sadly rampant across many industries, and having the courage to ask: “Say’s who? Why not? But, What If?” It’s also about creating a community where women are welcome and encouraged to step forward and share the message that’s been placed on her heart without fear of being judged, criticised or ridiculed by haters and naysayers. It’s about giving women permission to BE the Tall Poppy; to speak out against the BS, the injustice that’s happening and what she believes in, in a positive and empowering way. Because she knows to MAKE a difference, she needs to BE the difference. With confidence and compassion.
Ambitious Entrepreneur Show – Annemarie Cross
Building the business of your dreams, doing what you love does NOT have to be hard, frustrating and exhausting IF you know the RIGHT steps! Annemarie shares breakthrough money, marketing and mindset strategies so you can get noticed, hired AND paid what you're worth! Time to get going - NOW!

Decision Making
IWFCI Podcast
To be the Voice for women-led SME’s around the globe, championing economic empowerment for women. Interviews will continue to encourage, educate and equip women-led SME’s around the globe for business growth and international trade. Founded in 1992 by Diana Abruzzi, the International Women’s Federation of Commerce and Industry (IWFCI) is the world’s first Chamber of Commerce for women. IWFCI Podcast is a collaboration between IWFCI and Ambitious Entrepreneur Podcast Network.
[Ep #186] How to Unlock Success in The New Shared Economy
How to Unlock Success in The New Shared Economy My [...]
[Ep#181] Reclaim Your Purpose & Passion for Baby Boomer Business Owners
Reclaim your purpose and passion for Baby Boomer business owners. [...]
[Ep#43] How to Shift Through Fear, Self-Doubt & Criticism [podcast]
How to shift through fear, self-doubt and criticism. Welcome to [...]
Women In Leadership Podcast with Annemarie Cross
Women In Leadership Podcast: empowering women to achieve their full potential whether they are in corporate or working in their own business. Guests will be sharing the highs and lows of their careers, the challenges they had to face head-on, as well as their words of wisdom to help us become more purposeful in all aspects of our lives, our businesses and our careers. We'll also be sharing a new theme, which aligns with Annemarie's #BEtheDifferenceMovement - something very close to her heart. This segment is all about challenging the status quo, the same ol’ same ol’ BS that is sadly rampant across many industries, and having the courage to ask: “Say’s who? Why not? But, What If?” It’s also about creating a community where women are welcome and encouraged to step forward and share the message that’s been placed on her heart without fear of being judged, criticised or ridiculed by haters and naysayers. It’s about giving women permission to BE the Tall Poppy; to speak out against the BS, the injustice that’s happening and what she believes in, in a positive and empowering way. Because she knows to MAKE a difference, she needs to BE the difference. With confidence and compassion.
Ambitious Entrepreneur Show – Annemarie Cross
Building the business of your dreams, doing what you love does NOT have to be hard, frustrating and exhausting IF you know the RIGHT steps! Annemarie shares breakthrough money, marketing and mindset strategies so you can get noticed, hired AND paid what you're worth! Time to get going - NOW!