
IWFCI Podcast

To be the Voice for women-led SME’s around the globe, championing economic empowerment for women. Interviews will continue to encourage, educate and equip women-led SME’s around the globe for business growth and international trade. Founded in 1992 by Diana Abruzzi, the International Women’s Federation of Commerce and Industry (IWFCI) is the world’s first Chamber of Commerce for women. IWFCI Podcast is a collaboration between IWFCI and Ambitious Entrepreneur Podcast Network.

IWFCI Podcast 2019-05-14T19:25:35+10:00

[Ep #214] How To Grow a Successful Online Business Even If No-one Has Ever Heard of You

Topic: How To Grow a Successful Online Business Even If No-one Has Ever Heard of You Struggling to build your online business because no-one knows about you? Yet despite all [...]

[Ep #214] How To Grow a Successful Online Business Even If No-one Has Ever Heard of You 2017-10-20T10:20:57+10:00

[Ep #208] Why the ‘Hustling-at-all-costs’ model is working backward

Welcome - this is episode 208, I’m your host Annemarie Cross - the podcasting queen. As an ambitious entrepreneur do you often find yourself trying to burn the candle at [...]

[Ep #208] Why the ‘Hustling-at-all-costs’ model is working backward 2017-09-10T00:46:15+10:00

[Ep #15] The traditional “sales funnel” thinking is flawed: Here’s why…

Welcome to SMART Connect Podcast episode 15, featuring business experts and industry thought leaders to help YOU effectively navigate a constantly changing and disruptive market place. I’m your host Annemarie [...]

[Ep #15] The traditional “sales funnel” thinking is flawed: Here’s why… 2017-08-25T09:06:24+10:00