[Ep #182] Five things that will keep your business stuck and what to do instead

Five things that will keep your business stuck and what to do instead

Listen in as I introduce my new segment – Coaches Connection where I’ll be sharing expert tips and strategies that will help you build a successful coaching business / practice. This was an episode I recorded a little while ago, however still has relevance, especially as we begin another calendar year.

On today’s episode I speak about the five common things that can keep you stuck from building the business of your dreams. Including:

  • Doing too much and spreading yourself too thin
  • Not having an end goal in mind
  • Not prioritizing your work
  • Thriving on being ‘busy’
  • Not being able to manage distractions

Recognise any? Find out what you should be doing instead.



Thriving on being ‘busy' and being distracted by ‘shiny new objects' will stop you from focusing on the right activities that'll grow your business. — Annemarie Cross

Further resources you can access to help you build a success coaching business / practice:

Enjoy the show!

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More about Annemarie Cross

Annemarie Cross is a Money, Marketing and Mindset Business Coach who supports ambitious women coaches in unearthing and communication their inner brilliance (their brand) so they can boost their Annemarie Crosscredibility, visibility, celebrity and profitability.

She guides her clients through Branding, 6-Figure and Money Mindset Breakthrough Secrets programs – helping them stand out from their competitors, build solid business foundations and implement key marketing strategies. She also helps them transform their hours-for-dollars services into lucrative information products and programs so they can get paid what they’re worth, doing what they love.

Annemarie has been dubbed: “The Podcasting Queen” by her followers for her weekly, International award-winning podcast – The Ambitious Entrepreneur Show and Women In Leadership and regularly shares business and marketing tips.

Contact Annemarie


What did you think about the message Annemarie shared today? Recognise any of the five common things that Annemarie spoke about in your business? What action step will you take to turn this around? Go ahead and share. We’d love to hear from you!

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