[Ep# 185] How to hire the RIGHT VA to support the growth of your business

How to hire the RIGHT VA to support the growth of your business

As a business owner, are you at the point where there are just not enough hours in the day? You’re so busy, you’re rushing from one thing to the other and you're almost at breaking point. Can you relate?

Joining me on today’s show is Sarah Higgins.

Sarah is the owner and Principal VA at Helping Hands Virtual Assistants. It’s an ideal career choice for her where she can continue to take advantage of more than 20 years’ experience in technical skills and training, to support her clients by taking over the grunt work and pain points so they can become way more efficient and spend more time on what they do best.


On today's on the show Sarah is going to share:

  • A greater understanding of what a VA is, and what they can do for your business;
  • How to go about choosing the right VA for your business;
  • What tasks you can give to a VA. 


A VA is the ultimate flexible staffing resource. — Sarah Griffins

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Enjoy the show!

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About Sarah Higgins

Sarah Higgins is the owner and Principal VA at Helping Hands Virtual Assistants. It’s an ideal career choice for her where she can continue to take advantage of more than 20 years’ experience in technical skills and training, to support her clients by taking over the grunt work and pain points so they can become way more efficient and spend more time on what they do best.


Linkedin: Sarah Higgins
Website: www.HHVA.com.au


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