[Ep#189] Is Your Business Ready for Disruption?

Is Your Business Ready for Disruption?

My guest today believes that: “Life engraves character on your business the same way it engraves character on you. Character is what keeps customers returning.”

Joining me on today’s show is Scott Trevethan. Scott is the CEO of Scott Partners – Business Advisors and Tax Specialists – serving small and medium sized businesses in Melbourne – helping them to improve profits and cashflow to build real wealth.

On today's show Scott is going to share:

  • Is your business ready for disruption and ready to take full advantage of opportunities right now to unlock cash and capital growth;
  • Are you asking yourself three challenging and thought provoking questions to ensure you and your business can adapt and survive these changing times;
  • Are you leveraging affordable bookkeeping solutions and technology to best support you while you focus on business growth activities.


Ask better questions. Have a bigger question. You are so much more than you think are. — Scott Trevethan

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Enjoy the show!

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About Scott Trevethan

Scott Trevethan runs Scott Partners – Business Advisors and Tax Specialists – serving small and medium sized businesses in Melbourne, helping them to improve profits and cashflow to build real wealth.

Contact Scott

Website: www.ScottPartners.com.au | www.GoGlobalBookkeeping.com 
Twitter: @Strevethan67
LinkedIn: Scott Trevethan


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