[Ep #66] Why Asking for Help is NOT a Sign of Weakness as a Leader

Topic: Why Asking for Help is NOT a Sign of Weakness as a Leader

My guest today believe it’s important to know WHO you are as a leader as it is the foundation that helps you make decisions and leads with your values. Something I couldn’t agree more with.

Joining me on today’s show is Susan Barber.

Susan Barber is an Executive Leadership Coach with 20+ years as an Information Technology and Leadership Executive.  She left her corporate career to start her own business as an Executive Coach with a focus on helping leaders, their teams and their organizations reach their potential.

She partners with business professionals to accelerate their results by building confidence, enhancing their leadership skills and finding their authentic voice.   She is passionate about helping women position themselves for success and reach their potential.  Susan believes in personal development and the power of connections.

She started the “Creating Leadership Connections” Facebook Group to bring leaders together to share ideas, ask for help and learn from each other.

On today's on the show Susan will share:

  • Why asking for help is NOT a sign of weakness but rather of strength
  • Self Promotion; learn how to do this effectively;
  • The importance of sitting at the table and adding value.


Resources & Links Shared:

Know who you are as a leader.  It is the foundation that helps you make decisions and lead with your values. – Susan Barber

About Susan Barber: 

Susan Barber is an Executive Leadership Coach with 20+ years as an Information Technology and Leadership Executive.  She left her corporate career to start her own business as an Executive Coach with a focus on helping leaders, their teams and their organizations reach their potential.  She partners with business professionals to accelerate their results by building confidence, enhancing their leadership skills and finding their authentic voice.   She is passionate about helping women position themselves for success and reach their potential.  Susan believes in personal development and the power of connections.   She started the “Creating Leadership Connections” Facebook Group to bring leaders together to share ideas, ask for help and learn from each other.

A Personal Message from Annemarie…

Have you enjoyed listening to this podcast interview and thought how awesome it would be to have your very own podcast, where you get to create your very own platform where you can share your message in a much bigger way so you become known as an influential voice in your industry?

But the thought of having to learn all about podcasting technology and the gismos and gadgets – just seems too hard? And, besides, you’re already too busy anyway.

If you’re a purpose-driven service-based business owner with a desire to make a difference in the world – I’ve created a special gift – just for you.

It’s my free Mini-Training – Podcasting with Purpose, where I share with you the key things you need to know to stand out, be heard AND Influence your audience from your very first podcast – if you decide that podcasting is the right choice for you.

I’m also giving you my Podcast Production Workflow Checklist where I share what I do step-by-step to create a podcast as well as the tools I use. As well as a checklist of No-Cost and Low-Cost Tools to get you started.

To access my Podcasting with Purpose Mini-Training – go to www.annemariecross.com/minitraining.


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