30 Days To Distinction Podcast Series

About 30 Days To Distinction Podcast Series

Welcome to 30 Days to Distinction Podcast Series supporting coaches and consultants in creating an distinguishable, uncopyable and irresistible brand and message so they become THE choice vs just a choice with their ideal client.

Your Host

Annemarie Cross

Dubbed “The Podcasting Queen,” Annemarie is recognized as an industry pioneer, launching her first co-hosted podcast in 2008 to be the voice of inspiration and hope amongst the deluge of ‘doom and gloom’ after the GFC devastated families worldwide.

Over a decade on, she’s the author of: Industry Thought Leader: How To Go from Invisible to Influential (and Profitable) with a Podcast, mentors business owners how to set up their own Thought Leader Podcasts with her podcasting training, and continues to be the voice of inspiration to a global audience through her award-winning podcasts.

Annemarie lives out her mission of ‘Changing the World – ONE Message at a Time’, with her own podcasts, as well as by supporting Professional Services Businesses (coaches and consultants) who are experts in their field (yet feel like they’re the world’s best kept secret) go from Invisible to Influential (and Profitable) with their own Thought Leader Podcast.


30 Days To Distinction is a special series and does not feature guests.

Archived Shows

19. Expose the elephant in the room

Expose the elephant in the room As I mentioned yesterday in Tip#18, as someone who is looking to build your thought leadership - be mindful of the tactics you follow [...]

19. Expose the elephant in the room

Expose the elephant in the room As I mentioned yesterday in Tip#18, as someone who is looking to build your thought leadership - be mindful of the tactics you follow [...]

18. Address the BS

Address the BS Firstly, as someone who is looking to build your thought leadership - be mindful of the tactics you follow as you continue to build your reputation as [...]

18. Address the BS

Address the BS Firstly, as someone who is looking to build your thought leadership - be mindful of the tactics you follow as you continue to build your reputation as [...]

18. Address the BS

Address the BS Firstly, as someone who is looking to build your thought leadership - be mindful of the tactics you follow as you continue to build your reputation as [...]

16. Authenticity is NOT a buzzword

Authenticity is NOT a buzzword Ever heard the saying ‘Marketers ruin everything?" EVERY Tom, Dick, and Harry (sorry to all of the Tom, Dick, and Harry’s out there – no [...]

16. Authenticity is NOT a buzzword

Authenticity is NOT a buzzword Ever heard the saying ‘Marketers ruin everything?" EVERY Tom, Dick, and Harry (sorry to all of the Tom, Dick, and Harry’s out there – no [...]

16. Authenticity is NOT a buzzword

Authenticity is NOT a buzzword Ever heard the saying ‘Marketers ruin everything?" EVERY Tom, Dick, and Harry (sorry to all of the Tom, Dick, and Harry’s out there – no [...]

15. Struggling to define your ONE thing? Do this

Struggling to define your ONE thing? Do this Here’s another shout-out to all of the multi-passionate #entrepreneurs who struggle with defining their ONE THING.   Because limiting yourself to just ONE [...]

15. Struggling to define your ONE thing? Do this

Struggling to define your ONE thing? Do this Here’s another shout-out to all of the multi-passionate #entrepreneurs who struggle with defining their ONE THING.   Because limiting yourself to just ONE [...]

15. Struggling to define your ONE thing? Do this

Struggling to define your ONE thing? Do this Here’s another shout-out to all of the multi-passionate #entrepreneurs who struggle with defining their ONE THING.   Because limiting yourself to just ONE [...]

13. Less is more

Less is more You know how some marketers will often tell us we need to share more content, across more platforms, with more frequency so our message can cut through [...]

13. Less is more

Less is more You know how some marketers will often tell us we need to share more content, across more platforms, with more frequency so our message can cut through [...]

13. Less is more

Less is more You know how some marketers will often tell us we need to share more content, across more platforms, with more frequency so our message can cut through [...]


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