Author Platform Success Show

Building business relationships through social media with Angela Brooks

Building business relationships online through social media– with a specific focus on blogging. Have you ever wondered if you have the potential to write a book?  Join me today to [...]

Building business relationships through social media with Angela Brooks 2013-02-16T21:04:30+10:00

Mind-body connection through meditation and visualization with Dina Proctor

Today I’m extremely excited to be chatting with a very dear friend of mine, Dina Proctor. During our conversations you will learn simple practical techniques/methods to change your life and [...]

Mind-body connection through meditation and visualization with Dina Proctor 2018-09-19T20:54:46+10:00

Business Blogging – Building Visibility Online with Michelle Shaeffer

Discover how blogging can help build your platform and audience.  Learn simple ways to generate ideas and build credibility with your blog; along with some creative tips and suggestions to [...]

Business Blogging – Building Visibility Online with Michelle Shaeffer 2013-02-04T02:03:03+10:00

Digital Product Development Strategies – high quality Ebook conversion information for authors who want to understand their publishing options

Ebooks are great lead generators, easy to get to market compared to print books with fewer costs with a lot less risk factors involved.  You will hear suggestions about: Whether [...]

Digital Product Development Strategies – high quality Ebook conversion information for authors who want to understand their publishing options 2013-01-12T23:48:16+10:00

Book Marketing – key information for authors to publish, promote and gather valuable information to establish yourselves credibly online.

As an author or potential author could you use fresh creative ideas on how to get published, establish your own website in order to promote your books online AND find [...]

Book Marketing – key information for authors to publish, promote and gather valuable information to establish yourselves credibly online. 2018-09-19T20:54:32+10:00

Social media – an important platform to promote your business presence globally online

Could your small business use an infusion of new ideas to expand sales and draw new clients your way?  Perhaps it’s time for you to investigate and explore social media [...]

Social media – an important platform to promote your business presence globally online 2012-12-22T05:48:17+10:00