I’m really looking forward to interviewing you as part of: The Christian Entrepreneurs Podcast.
Below, you'll find a brief overview of how the interview will be conducted, what we need from you, as well as how to get your interview booked into my calendar.
Your host – Annemarie Cross
About Christian Entrepreneurs Podcast:
I believe that each and every one of us has a calling, a purpose. And, for some of us, we feel called to make a difference through our work and the businesses we operate.
Business can be tough and thwart with many challenges. Rapidly changing marketplaces, new technologies, as well as the changing needs and desires of our customers.
Add to that an enemy who wants nothing more than to stop us from reaching our God-given potential. No wonder at times, it can seem too overwhelming. And, sadly, for some of us we become discouraged and never quite reach the destiny that God has planned for us.
This podcast has been created to inspire and empower Christian Entrepreneurs and Business Owners to walk strongly in their faith, WHILE build a successful business that honours Him, in every way. In all of our business dealings, from the decisions we make and opportunities we say ‘yes' to, in our leadership, in our relationships, right through to the way we relate to and manage our staff. And, everything in between.
Welcome to The Christian Entrepreneurs Podcast.
Our Special Series: Signs, Wonders, Miracles: The Miraculous Moves of God
We know we love and serve a God for whom NOTHING is impossible.
And, while the world may talk about ‘random coincidences' and happenstance, we know that it’s not a coincidence but rather providence – they are miraculous moves of God.
Do you have a story to share about how God moved miraculously in your life? Whether it be a miraculous healing (yes, God is still in the business of healing and has NOT given His authority over to science/big pharma), restored a broken relationship (which you thought was irrevocable), or met a need(s) in the most supernatural of way?
Let's praise God and bring Him all the glory and honour through sharing how God has moved miraculously in your life!
How will your Interview be conducted?
While we are recording our audio version of the podcast, we will also be recording your interview as a video via Streamyard, and streaming the interview across different platforms. Including Facebook (two Pages, Linkedin, and YouTube).
While our show is available on Apple Podcasts (formerly iTunes) and Android apps, we are now also available on Spotify and iHeartRadio. So, as our guest – your message will be available on those platforms too!
To help us both prepare for the interview, you will find our Guest Profile and Sound Tips checklist, below.
Your interview will be structured in a way that enables you to showcase your insights and information, so the questions I ask you will be centered around the key points you've provided in the Guest Profile, and the suggested questions I've noted (if we have additional time).
My goal is to make this a fun experience – as if we were sitting across the table with a cuppa, chatting about your business and God's continued blessings. Because that's exactly what we WILL be doing.
Once you've completed and returned the Guest Profile to me and booked in your time on our online calendar, nearing the time of our interview my Guest Coordinator – Mierra will send you the link to our Streamyard recording platform.
What you need to do:
- Step 1: Complete and return our Guest Profile: Click here to download and save to your computer. Complete and return your Guest Profile, along with your picture to my Guest Coordinator – Mierra. Her email is: tcepodcast@ambitiousentrepreneurnetwork.com.
NOTE: While you may have a Media Kit with suggested questions and other information – please complete the information in our Guest Profile as we follow a specific format in our show, which we know our audience loves and appreciates. Thank you!
- Step 2: Download Sound Tips Checklist: Download and review the information so we can ensure the best possible sound quality for your interview.
- Step 3: BOOK a time on our online calendar: Click here, select an appropriate date and time, and follow the instructions to secure your booking. NOTE: The calendar should show your timezone. However please make sure that is has, and that you have selected the correct time zone for you. AEST is Australian Eastern Standard Time/AEDT is Australian Eastern Daylight Time – NOT Eastern Timezone [EST in the USA].
- Step 4: PRIOR to your interview: How to get MORE VIEWS on the LIVESTREAM: Promote the Livestream Link PRIOR to the show going live to your community and database: Prior to your interview, Mierra (my guest coordinator) will email you the links to both Facebook and Linkedin – where we will be going live. You can share this with your community prior to going live to give you additional exposure during the recording. She will also send you the direct link to our private recording studio on Streamyard, which are for your eyes only.
- Here's a link to where you can find our more about Streamyard to ensure the best streaming experience for you, along with the best quality audio and video.
Previous Shows
Want to listen to a few previous shows? While all of my guests have shared great insights, here are just a few we've selected:
Click here to take you to the episode page, or watch the interview below:
Click here to take you to the episode page, or watch the interview below:
Click here to take you to the episode page, or watch the interview below:
I look forward to speaking with you soon!
Annemarie Cross