[Ep#399] Faith-Inspired Strategic Leadership

Faith-Inspired Strategic Leadership

My guest today says: “People are caught in the valley of decisions regarding their identity in “ministry” vs. “the marketplace.” This is because we don't have a clear understanding of the Kingdom. “Ministry” and “Marketplace” are territories, and the Kingdom assignment requires us to be strategically positioned to have influence, authority, and impact in both.” 

Joining me today's show is Joy Pittman. 

Joy Pittman is a true “people” person! Known in many capacities as a go-to human resources expert, people strategist, and dynamic speaker, Joy is the founder of HR For The Culture™, whose mission is to provide a full spectrum of human resources services to Black-owned women-led businesses and not for profit organizations that help them build D.O.P.E. teams, grow faster, serve better and be more profitable.

Joy is also the founder of When Faith Meets Strategy™ where she provides team and leadership training and consultation to growing urban ministries. For more information, please visit www.HRForTheCulture.com.

On today’s show Joy is going to share: 

  1. How to blend Biblical principles with strategic planning 
  2. The tools and insights that faith leaders need to make their vision thrive 
  3. How the Joseph principle can help you   



Jump straight to these golden nuggets:

[00:02:16] Growing up in a Baptist church, inspired by missions and education. Analytical thinking led to break from church. Focused on career but still cared for church. Combined faith and strategy, started events. Pandemic provided opportunity to grow business. Realized need for integration of faith and strategy.

[00:08:39] Bible reveals strategic principles for business success.

[00:12:30] Reading the Bible with a new perspective

[00:17:19] Vision doesn't solve problems, it creates new ones.

[00:22:30] Using 7 words: Utilize biblical principles, plan strategically with God.

[00:27:44] Joseph's story illustrates the intersection of faith and strategy in leadership. Pharaoh seeks Joseph's expertise to solve a problem. Joseph's plan helps sustain the kingdom and he even creates a barter business. The story emphasizes the importance of finding and deploying people strategically. Leaders should remember that they don't have to solve everything themselves. It is also a story of unlocking potential and how God provides for his people.

[00:33:05] Incredible people named Nicole, Nelvin, Connie, Ty. Thank you for sharing and joining the show. Details are there. Prayer ends the podcast.

[00:35:09] Free resource for frustrated coaches/consultants for visibility and clients.


Topic: Connect with God's brilliance

  • Joy reminds us that when we read the Bible, we have the opportunity to witness God's strategic, mindful, and brilliant actions.
  • The Scriptures are not just for daily life but contain invaluable strategic planning principles that we can apply to our businesses and ministries.

Topic: Seek a deeper understanding

  • Instead of simply trying to read through the entire Bible, Joy encourages us to focus on understanding and unpacking each verse and sentence.
  • By diving deep into the Scriptures, exploring the original meanings of words, and connecting the Old and New Testaments, we can gain a richer understanding of God's wisdom and solutions.

Topic:  Embrace the power of collaboration:

  • The stories of Noah, Nehemiah, Joseph and Pharaoh, and Solomon and the Queen of Sheba highlight the importance of recognizing and utilizing the expertise of others.
  • As Christian entrepreneurs, we have access to people who can help us navigate challenges and find strategic solutions.
  • By blending our faith, the leading of the Holy Spirit, and the resources available to us, we can create sustainable strategies that have a lasting impact.

Topic: The Joseph Principle

  • Showcases the intersection of faith and strategy
  • Joy shares the story of Joseph, who transformed a dire situation into an opportunity for growth and success through strategic planning and embracing the expertise of others.
  • Joseph's story illustrates the intersection of faith and strategy in leadership. It emphasizes the importance of finding and deploying people strategically. Pharaoh seeks Joseph's expertise to solve a problem. Joseph's plan helps sustain the kingdom and he even creates a barter business.
  • Leaders should remember that they don't have to solve everything themselves. It is also a story of unlocking potential and how God provides for his people.


Highlighted Quotes: 

Faith and Strategy: “We were living at a deficit as believers, as a Christian entrepreneur, I'm living at a deficit when I don't embrace that God is my competitive advantage in the marketplace.”

— Joy Pittman 00:06:4400:06:52

The Power of Biblical Principles in Business: “So I'm like, oh, he wrote a job description for man in that. But what I began to see bigger was God walked into something that was formless and void, right? So, I was looking at a business model where some of our businesses are not clear. And what he did was he started to create order. He started to create structure.”

— Joy Pittman 00:09:3400:09:49

The Power of Reading the Bible Differently: “When we don't actually consider God as an intellectual being, if we don't actually consider that God is brilliant, he's smart, he is strategic, he is calculated, right? He's methodical. When we don't think about that, we just think we're reading about 12345, right? But there was a structure and a flow to almost everything.”

— Joy Pittman 00:13:2200:13:41

Visionaries and Problem Solving: “The vision normally does not solve a problem, right? Your vision doesn't solve a problem. It actually introduces a new problem because now you have this thing that you either have to aspire to, to create, to see.”

— Joy Pittman 00:17:3600:17:49

Strategic Planning and Impact: “So then our strategic planning is not the way a business does and like we're going to sell five of these and four of those but it's actually saying here's the impact that we want to have in our community and what does it require of us? What needs to be true for us to have that level of impact?”

— Joy Pittman 00:23:2000:23:35

Podcast Structure and Communication: “If we started this podcast and you never said, I didn't know the title, I didn't know the direction it was going. There's a bunch of stuff I could speak to. I wouldn't know what to prepare to speak about because there was no structure given to me. So even when we bring people into our churches and let them know, here are our initiatives for the year, that gives people context to raise their hand in. If I don't have that context, all I know, I can't sing, I may not be a good don't. I'm not necessarily called to preach. So I don't know what else I could be doing because we haven't even communicated to people what the possibilities are, what are our goals and endeavors. Yeah.”

— Joy Pittman 00:27:0000:27:36

The Joseph Principle: “Pharaoh hears the plan and says, anybody else wise enough to do this? Nobody? Joseph. Here you go.”

— Joy Pittman 00:28:2400:28:31


About Joy:

Joy Pittman is the founder of HR For The Culture™, whose mission is to provide a full spectrum of human resources services to Black-owned women-led businesses and not for profit organizations that help them build D.O.P.E. teams, grow faster, serve better and be more profitable. Joy is also the founder of When Faith Meets Strategy™ where she provides team and leadership training and consultation to growing urban ministries. For more information, please visit www.HRForTheCulture.com.

Contact Joy:

About Annemarie Cross:

Dubbed “The Podcasting Queen,” Annemarie is recognized as an industry pioneer, launching her first co-hosted podcast in 2008 to be the voice of inspiration and hope amongst the deluge of ‘doom and gloom’ after the GFC devastated families worldwide.

Over a decade on, she’s the author of Industry Thought Leader: How To Go from Invisible to Influential (and Profitable) with a Podcast and continues to be the voice of inspiration to a global audience through her award-winning podcasts.

Annemarie continues to live out her mission of ‘Changing the World – ONE Message at a Time’, with her own podcasts, as well as by supporting Professional Services Businesses (coaches and consultants) who are experts in their field (yet feel like they’re the world’s best-kept secret) go from Invisible to Influential (and Profitable) with their own Thought Leader Podcast.

Click here to access Annemarie's Industry Thought Leader Podcast Series to help you go from Invisible to Influential (and Profitable) with a Podcast.

Contact Annemarie:

Podcasting With Purpose Minitraining


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