[Ep#283] Cost-Effective Marketing During Turbulent Times with Debra Jason

Cost-Effective Marketing During Turbulent Times with Debra Jason

One of the most common mistakes entrepreneurs do is jumping right in on the sales pitch without paying attention to their audience’s needs. As a result, it drives away prospects from seeing the value you can bring. But nurturing your relationship with your audience doesn’t need to be all that fancy. Especially during unprecedented times, cost-effective  and audience-centred marketing will help you stay visible and top-of-mind.

In this episode, marketing mentor and copywriter Debra Jason joins us to share her five cost-effective marketing strategies to stay visible during turbulent times. She discusses the importance of staying top-of-mind to your audience whatever the circumstance is. Debra also shares some useful tools and resources that will help boost your exposure and establish your expertise.

Tune in to the episode to discover cost-effective marketing strategies to help you stay relevant! You can also watch the recording of the episode for Debra’s PowerPoint presentation.

Here are three reasons why you should listen to the full episode:

  1. Learn Debra’s five cost-effective marketing tips that ensure your visibility and relevance during turbulent times.
  2. Discover free resources that will help you gain exposure to a broader market.
  3. Find out about the social network that opens doors to a multitude of opportunities.


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Episode Highlights

[03:05] The Importance of Staying Visible

  • From a scale of boring to rockstar, how strong are your current marketing efforts?
  • Debra’s program started in 2001 amid the fear brought by 9/11. Today, many businesses aren’t just in fear but are shutting down because of the pandemic.
  • It’s important to stay visible and remain in a top-of-mind position with customers whatever the circumstances are. Always think about how you can serve and bring value to your audience.
  • Marketing is about building and nurturing relationships. You must develop the KLT factor — know, like and trust.
  • Nurturing relationships create valuable referral networks.

[07:19] Compassionate Marketing

  • Debra coined the term ‘compassionate marketing’.
  • During turbulent times, think about how you can approach your audience in a way that serves them with value.

[10:09] Tip #1: Present a Webinar or Podcast

  • Debra shares tools and resources you can use to do your webinar or podcast in her PowerPoint presentation.
  • You can also be a guest on someone else’s show and market yourself through Radio Guest List platforms.
  • When you guest on somebody else’s programme, you have to share what value you will bring to their audience, not how great you are.

[13:55] Tip #2: Repurpose Content

  • Repurposing content from a webinar or podcast is popular in content marketing.
  • You can put the article on your blog, your LinkedIn profile or to a local or industry publication.
  • It is a cost-effective way to convey your expertise and credibility about a specific subject.
  • Writing an article gets your name out to a broader audience.

[16:07] Tip #3: Social Media Marketing

  • Social media marketing is a cost-effective way to generate more exposure for your business. Listen to the full episode to discover the myriad of things you can share on social media!
  • Facebook, Instagram, LinkedIn, Twitter and YouTube are the top 5 social media platforms for marketers.
  • Regardless of the platform you use, social media marketing is about getting engaged, communicating and responding to your audience.

[19:29] LinkedIn Networking and Marketing

  • Whether you’re meeting in-person or virtually, people will most likely come across your LinkedIn profile.
  • Here, you can demonstrate that you’re an industry expert and enable deeper engagement with your professional community.
  • Users with complete LinkedIn profiles are 40 times more likely to receive opportunities through LinkedIn.
  • Debra’s LinkedIn® 10-Point Checklist can help you robustly create your LinkedIn profile.

[23:11] Tip #4: Use Video

  • Videos help you communicate to your clients regularly and engagingly that you’re there to help them.
  • It can be as short as a 30-second video recorded using your phone.
  • Two video platforms that don’t require expensive camera equipment are Facebook Live and Instagram Live.

[26:37] Tip #5: Contact Existing Clients

  • Connect with your existing clients by asking them how you can help, not giving a hardcore sales pitch.
  • Don’t give up the ship. When you stay visible when times are tough, your audience will reach out to you once the times are good again.
  • Some ways you can contact your clients and prospects is through video email or a phone call.

[37:32] Final Notes

  • Of Debra’s five cost-effective marketing strategies, what’s one thing you can do to create top-of-mind awareness?

10 Powerful Quotes from This Episode

[00:59] ‘When you remain visible during the hard times, customers and prospects will remember you during the good times’.

[04:28] ‘Whether it was 9/11 or whether it’s the pandemic today, it’s important that you remain in a top-of-mind position with your customers, that they see your name and that you do it in a way that is beneficial and helps them’.

[04:51] ‘Don’t think so much about yourself. But think about: how can you serve your audience? What can you do to help them? What would be a value to them’?

[05:16] ‘Marketing, like life, is about building and nurturing relationships’.

[06:48] ‘Yes, of course, we all want to have a business because we have bills to pay. But many times, the value comes from referral resources — from relationships that you’ve built’.

[08:50] Martin Luther King: ‘Everybody can be great because anybody can serve. You don’t need a college degree. You don’t need to be a grammarian. What you need is a heart full of grace and a soul generated by love’.

[17:41] ‘When you do social media marketing well, it turns a handshake into a hug’.

[19:55] ‘These days, whether they’re meeting you in person or virtually, people are searching for you online’.

[26:43] ‘Contact your existing clients, but not with a hardcore sales pitch’.

[35:35] ‘We all have a little bit of striving for perfection. But at some point, you just hit the button and go’.


About Debra

Debra Jason is a motivational marketing speaker, direct response copywriter, multi-faceted marketing mentor and author. Since 1989, Debra has helped hundreds of clients create an impactful marketing message. Through her service, she empowers entrepreneurs to transform their ideas into words that inspire, captivate and convert loyal clients.

Debra is the author of the award-winning book, Millionaire Marketing on a Shoestring Budget™. She is also a contributing author for the book So What Do YOU Do with New York Times best-selling author, Joel Comm.

If you wish to connect with Debra, you can visit her website, LinkedIn, Facebook, Instagram and Twitter.

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Your marketing strategy should be centred on building and nurturing your relationship with your audience. Above all else, always think about how you can bring value to them.

Staying visible during the turbulent times will help keep you on top-of-mind awareness. If you enjoyed today’s episode of Ambitious Entrepreneur Podcast, then hit subscribe now!

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