author platform success

Building business relationships through social media with Angela Brooks

Building business relationships online through social media– with a specific focus on blogging. Have you ever wondered if you have the potential to write a book?  Join me today to [...]

Building business relationships through social media with Angela Brooks 2013-02-16T21:04:30+10:00

Mind-body connection through meditation and visualization with Dina Proctor

Today I’m extremely excited to be chatting with a very dear friend of mine, Dina Proctor. During our conversations you will learn simple practical techniques/methods to change your life and [...]

Mind-body connection through meditation and visualization with Dina Proctor 2018-09-19T20:54:46+10:00

Business Blogging – Building Visibility Online with Michelle Shaeffer

Discover how blogging can help build your platform and audience.  Learn simple ways to generate ideas and build credibility with your blog; along with some creative tips and suggestions to [...]

Business Blogging – Building Visibility Online with Michelle Shaeffer 2013-02-04T02:03:03+10:00