[Ep#415] Understanding Our Identity in the Kingdom of God 

Understanding Our Identity in the Kingdom of God 

Welcome back to the show, this is Episode 5 of a special series Signs, Wonders, and Miracles Series, which I am co-hosting with my friend and colleague, Lorellee Colley where we are unpacking the topic of End Time Harvest of Provision and how God is giving understanding, maturing, and positioning for His people to be empowered for the End Times Harvest of Provision.  

Reflect on scriptural promises that define who you are in Christ—such as 1 Peter 2:9 and 2 Corinthians 5:17— and let these truths shape your business and life. The enemy may try to cultivate fear and doubt, but through faith and understanding your divine identity, you can overcome and walk in God’s power.

Don't miss out on these powerful insights to help you grow a business that honors Christ and makes a significant impact for His kingdom.

Here are 3 Key Takeaways from this episode: 

  • Align with God’s Vision: Prioritizing a deeper relationship with God guides your business decisions and aligns your actions with Kingdom principles.
  • Seek Healing and Repentance: Embrace God's forgiveness to overcome past hurts and misunderstandings, paving the way for spiritual and entrepreneurial growth.
  • Exercise Spiritual Authority: Developing your faith and understanding God’s intentions empowers you to overcome fear and doubt, enabling miracles in daily life.




Jump straight to these golden nuggets:

00:00 Christian entrepreneur podcast: faith-driven business success journey.

04:07 Honest introspection helps overcome spiritual blockages.

08:15 Embrace Jesus' sacrifice; live in God's blessing.

10:46 Display Bible verses for constant self-reminder.

16:03 God desires a relationship; we represent His kingdom.

20:14 Believers have authority over the enemy's power.

21:34 Seek God's heart for guidance, avoid manipulation.

26:38 Seeking deeper relationship and understanding with God.

30:43 Continue good works; seek guidance in God.

33:45 Reach out to Lorelei for Destiny Strategies.


Topic: Understanding Identity in the Kingdom of God

  • Emphasizes the confusion and frustration some Christians face due to incorrect positioning and misunderstanding of their identity.
  • Stresses the importance of knowing one’s identity in God as it is crucial for spiritual and personal alignment.
  • Discusses how past hurts or teachings can negatively affect one's understanding and acceptance of their divine identity.
  • Points out that religious legalism can represent God as distant and punitive, contrary to His loving nature.
  • Encourages listeners to seek healing and repentance to overcome obstacles and understand God's design for their lives.
  • Highlights how relationships with earthly fathers can shape and sometimes hinder the perception of God’s nature.

Topic: Key Messages

  • The importance of prioritizing personal revelation and understanding of one's spiritual identity as a child of God.
  • Pursue a deeper relationship with God to experience His favor, blessing, and empowerment.
  • Emphasizes the need to align with spiritual laws to experience victory, breakthrough, and empowerment.
  • Highlights the biblical principle of seeking the kingdom of God first so that everything else falls into place.

Topic: Business and Entrepreneurship

  • How traditional hustle culture can lead to exhaustion if not aligned with God’s ways, which offer ease and joy.
  • Encourages spiritual entrepreneurs to seek God’s guidance and vision for their business endeavors.
  • Mentions “blueprints from heaven” as innovative ideas given by God for individuals to pursue.

Topic: Spiritual Authority and Role as Ambassadors of Christ

  • References Genesis, highlighting humanity’s purpose to take dominion and call things into being with faith, as mentioned in Romans 4:17.
  • Emphasizes the need to mature in understanding God and exercising spiritual authority through daily life experiences.
  • Spiritual muscle is built over time, starting with small acts like praying for minor ailments before progressing to larger miracles.

Topic:  God's Intentions and Spiritual Authority

  • Importance of knowing God's intentions regarding areas of lack or fear, which are not part of God’s design.
  • Discusses the effective use of the “Rhema” (spoken Word) and the “Logos” (written Word) of God in daily life.
  • Hosts cite Luke 10:19 to reiterate that believers have power over the enemy and should not live in fear.

Topic: Addressing Visibility in Business

  • Annemarie Cross addresses coaches or consultants who may feel like a “best kept secret,” sharing their frustration of not receiving desired visibility, leads, or clients despite significant experience and effort.
  • Offers free training and resources to help build visibility, generate leads, and enroll clients, aiming to help individuals be seen as a trusted authority in a crowded market.
  • Mentions the potential to convert podcast listeners into leads from the first episode, providing a website link for accessing these resources: ambitiousentrepreneurnetwork.comforward/community.

Topic: Christian Faith and Identity in Christ

  • Stresses the importance of aligning with God's ways to live under His blessing.
  • Lorellee Colley references Galatians 3:13 and Romans 8:14-17, highlighting that Jesus became a curse for believers to be blessed and adopted as God's children, making them heirs alongside Christ.
  • Emphasizes the significance of self-identification as sons and daughters of God to transform one's perspective and live in God’s promises.

Topic:  Journaling and Biblical Promises

  • Annemarie Cross suggests using journaling to remind oneself of biblical promises, such as 1 Peter 2:9, which defines believers as a chosen race and a royal priesthood.
  • Emphasizes the contrast between earthly fear and the biblical fear of God, described as a reverential surrender to God's way, which empowers believers.

Topic: Role of Faith Over Fear

  • Discusses how faith enables believers to function from God’s capacity, contrary to being hindered by fear or doubt.
  • Colley notes the enemy's role in instilling fear and doubt to distract Christians from their identity in Christ.
  • Annemarie Cross references 2 Corinthians 5:17, emphasizing the believer’s identity as a new creation in Christ, which removes fear of God’s judgment.

Topic: Free Will and Relationship with God

  • Highlights the concept of free will in choosing to follow God, arguing that true freedom and relationship with God come through willing surrender.
  • Underscores that knowing one's identity in Christ should manifest in daily life, representing God’s kingdom in the world.
  • Reinforces the importance of aligning actions with Christian principles while not conforming to worldly ways.



“There's, sadly, there is a lot of confusion even in the body of Christ and Christians, faithful Christians that want to serve God, but their positioning is incorrect. And then there's frustration that comes and wonder why prayers don't get answered and things don't work because our identity isn't where it needs to be.” — Lorellee Colley [00:02:35 → 00:02:54]

We want to serve God, but we're sons and daughters of God, not servants or slaves of God, if that makes sense.” — Lorellee Colley [00:04:49 → 00:04:55]

“Religion and legalism, if there's been that sort of teaching or understanding or that example, can very much limit us understanding the nature of God.” — Lorellee Colley [00:06:54 → 00:07:02]

Faith and Redemption: “Jesus, I just do not want to waste what you've done. You become the curse so I don't have to live in that. You become the curse so I can so I can know the abundance and the favour and the love of God.” — Lorellee Colley [00:08:46 → 00:08:57]

“The fear of god is actually choosing his way. It's surrendering to God's way, yet that brings such empowerment. It's not to completely, be, you know, a doormat, so to speak, and nothing else exists. But God, as we surrender to God's ways and we fear him with honour and majesty, and, you know, that that's what that fear is talking about, the fear of the Lord, that we actually fear, what got the way God intended it rather than our own way.” — Lorellee Colley [00:12:30 → 00:13:02]

“And actually there's a scripture that says the kingdom of God is within us. God's put his kingdom within us.” — Lorellee Colley [00:13:15 → 00:13:22]

“God uses our day to day, everyday circumstances to build a spiritual muscle.” — Lorellee Colley [00:18:19 → 00:18:26]

“If something doesn't seem right, it probably isn't right.” — Lorellee Colley [00:22:05 → 00:22:08]

“But God comes to bring life and bring abundance to us.” — Lorellee Colley [00:27:58 → 00:28:01]

“That's our job. Our job is to get to know God, get to know his ways, and then the rest comes in order.” — Lorellee Colley [00:29:12 → 00:29:19]

“But if we go with a repentant heart, and as you said, it's the goodness of God that leads us to repentance. When we go there and ask for his forgiveness, and he looks at our heart and he really sees that we are sorry for what we have done, there is complete forgiveness through Chloris. Not just a little bit, and there's nothing that we need to do other than to go and ask for that forgiveness.” — Annemarie Cross [00:07:41 → 00:08:04]

“One of the things that we need to do with some of these wonderful words of the Lord is to print them out and have them either in your journal or on a wall, so that you constantly reminding yourself that it becomes part of your muscle. Meaning, you are just it's just part of who you are, and you declare that over yourself.” — Annemarie Cross [00:10:52 → 00:11:10]

“If the enemy cannot stop us from believing in the Lord and repenting and becoming one of his children, he will try and keep us stuck within that.” — Annemarie Cross [00:14:17 → 00:15:05]

“The only power that the enemy has over us is that which we give him.” — Annemarie Cross [00:20:48 → 00:20:52]

“Do we believe that they still happen today? Or oh, that was only for the biblical times when the apostles were setting up the church? I mean that understanding or misunderstanding in some instances, how is it gonna manifest in your life today if you're not even believing that it is relevant for today.” — Annemarie Cross [00:24:30 → 00:24:50]

“We wanna understand, have an understanding, a deeper understanding and relationship with the Lord, and then also understand what comes with that.” — Annemarie Cross [00:26:46 → 00:26:59]

“We do not need to be concerned, we do not need to be fearful, because of all of the things that we've spoken about today and in the last 4 episodes.” — Annemarie Cross [00:30:48 → 00:30:57]

About our Lorellee:

Lorellee Colley is a co-director of Destiny Strategies Prophetic Ministry. She has been involved in prophetic ministry since 1993 and ministers prophetically across Australia and overseas.  She runs a successful business with her husband Phil in coaching, consulting, and property.  

Lorellee is a spiritual mentor to many & provides prophetic training through comprehensive schools and seminars.  She trains & leads teams to prophesy regularly into Businesses, the marketplace, New Age events and various other events, seminars, and conferences both online and in person. 

Lorellee holds a Diploma of Christian Ministry and Theology and is a Credentialed Ministers with Australian Christian Churches (ACC) 

You will find more information on Destiny Strategies Prophetic Ministry on the websites.

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To staying ambitious, 


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