How to be Prepared and Postured Correctly for God's Great Wealth Transfer in End Times
Welcome back to the show, this is Episode 3: of a special series Signs, Wonders, and Miracles Series, which I am co-hosting with my friend and colleague Lorellee Colley
Episode 1: We spoke about how God is giving understanding, maturing, positioning for His people to be empowered for the End Times Harvest of Provision.
Episode 2: We spoke the two kingdoms in opposition – God's Kingdom and the kingdom of darkness. Why is this important to know, along with recognising the cultures of each of these kingdoms, especially the Kingdom of God and how we are to operate, so that we can understand with maturity and be positioned for the End Times Harvest of Provision.
And, today we are going to explore further Wealth Transfer, including:
- Why are we talking about this now?
- What’s prophetic about it?
- And, is this for a chosen few?
Here are 3 Key Takeaways from this episode:
- Anointing and Daily Affirmations: Lorellee emphasizes that the anointing — the Holy Spirit within us — can be actively cultivated through daily affirmations and faith actions. Referencing Romans 4:17, we delve into the power of calling things into existence through faith.
- Positioning for Wealth Transfer: It's crucial to understand and align yourself with God's intent for wealth transfer. Proverbs 13:22 illustrates that wealth isn't merely for personal gain but for advancing God's kingdom. Position yourself correctly to be a part of this divine plan.
- Faith Integrated Business Practices: Overcoming self-doubt and integrating faith into your business is essential. God’s provision flows when we combine our practical strategies with an openness to divine guidance. Our businesses can thrive not through excessive toil but through His blessings as highlighted in Proverbs 19.
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Jump straight to these golden nuggets:
05:35 God empowers and matures people for wealth.
08:30 Understanding God's provision while running a business.
09:42 Position beliefs for God to guide business.
13:27 God's will: Empowered as Christ's ambassadors, royalty.
16:24 Patience shapes character; God's creation aspect anointing.
20:42 Embrace wealth transfer for God's kingdom now.
24:37 Prophesying into entrepreneurs turns ideas into reality.
28:42 Believe for healing, abundance, and breakthrough through prayer.
30:11 Collaborations strengthen efforts, don't work alone.
33:27 Free training for coaches/consultants to enhance visibility
Topic: Understanding the Anointing
- Lorellee Colley describes the anointing as the Holy Spirit's presence.
- Anointing can be developed through daily affirmations and faith actions.
- Daily affirmations align believers with God's teachings for empowerment.
Topic: The Concept of Wealth Transfer
- Romans 4:17 and Proverbs 13:22 provide scriptural backing for the concept of wealth transfer.
- Wealth is intended to advance God's kingdom, not for personal gain.
- Understanding and aligning with God's intentions are crucial for being recipients of wealth.
Topic: Divine Guidance and Business Ideas
- Annemarie Cross suggests new business ideas may be divinely inspired.
- Businesses can be prophesied into existence, unlocking potential and starting new ventures.
Topic: Overcoming Self-Doubt and Aligning with Divine Destiny
- Annemarie emphasizes the importance of overcoming self-doubt.
- Integration of faith in business is crucial, acknowledging God's provision while taking personal actions.
Topic: Correct Belief Positioning
- Lorellee mentions past incorrect teachings on expecting divine blessings without putting God first.
- Misconceptions about keeping business and faith separate are addressed.
- Christians are meant to be ambassadors of God’s kingdom, operating with a clear understanding of divine favor and success.
Topic: Balancing Practical Strategies with Supernatural Intervention
- Importance of practical strategies while allowing for divine intervention.
- Excessive stress and striving may indicate misalignment with God's principles.
- Setbacks provide opportunities for growth and learning experiences.
Topic: Discussion on Anointing and Individual Characteristics
- Whether anointing and personal characteristics are interconnected or separate aspects of God’s empowerment.
- Discussing wealth from a Christian perspective, highlighting confusion and disempowerment caused by avoiding the topic.
- Wealth provided by God is intended for the greater good of His kingdom, not individual gain.
- Christians need a mature perspective on wealth transfer.
Topic: Balancing Effort and Divine Provision
- Proverbs 19 illustrates God’s provision without painful toil.
- Emphasis on following divine guidance rather than relying solely on human effort.
- Aligning oneself correctly to achieve what may seem impossible through faith.
- Opportunities and blessings are available to those who overcome doubt and fear and revisit dormant dreams.
Topic: Collaboration and Community
- Working with others to bring out the best in each person, especially those with complementary expertise.
- The importance of balanced perspectives and the right relationships for maturity and active faith.
A Crucial Time in History: “I believe it's really it's a crucial time in history that God's people are empowered and matured in this area.”
— Lorellee Colley [00:05:35 → 00:06:27]
God's Provision Over Hustle: “God's designed us that we that we would know his provision, know his anointing, know his empowerment, and be guided on how to receive wealth his way rather than, like, with the toil and the striving.”
— Lorellee Colley [00:07:53 → 00:08:09]
Positioning Your Beliefs for Success: “If god is your CEO and guiding you and directing you and being your strength, being your wisdom, being your provider, if he comes first, seek you first the kingdom of god, and all these things are added, then then that puts our business in place in the right way.”
— Lorellee Colley [00:10:01 → 00:10:15]
God's Provision During Tough Times: “God's people that have chosen to believe God for provision have seen miracles and blessing on their business when everything else is drying down.”
— Lorellee Colley [00:10:33 → 00:11:26]
God's Will and Our Authority: “God wants to favor us. God wants to get we are actually a royal, you know, a royal, royalty. We're the we're sons and daughters of the king of kings, and he wants us to be his ambassadors. He's put us on this earth to take dominion and to have authority over all the powers of the enemy and to implement and impose the kingdom and the promises and the potential that God has, that we would be Christ's ambassadors in that.”
— Lorellee Colley [00:13:45 → 00:14:15]
The Power of Faith: “I choose to receive because it's not me. It's we're receiving it, but it comes in me and upon me. So, it's the Holy Spirit upon us.”
— Lorellee Colley [00:18:15 → 00:18:24]
Urgent Prophetic Message on Wealth Transfer: “This is wealth transfer. The wealth of the sinner is stored up for us. And so it's something we need to build, I believe. It's something we wanna be aware of and align our belief systems, agree with what God's saying, agree that God wants to release prosperity and wealth in and through us for the greater.”
— Lorellee Colley [00:20:42 → 00:21:02]
From Teaching to Thriving Business: “We love prophesying into business people and entrepreneurs because, yeah, in times we've there literally, there's been people that we've seen in the spirit as businesses, and we've just prophesied that business over them and didn't know till afterwards that they weren't actually in business. They're like they were a teacher or in some sort of, you know, 9 to 5 job, and they had this idea that they thought was impossible. And as the prophecy ignited it, months later, they're literally in successful businesses.”
— Lorellee Colley [00:24:37 → 00:25:04]
Overcoming Doubt and Fear: “The biggest opposition of what god's doing for each and every person and dynamic in this world, the biggest opposition is doubt and fear.”
— Lorellee Colley [00:27:49 → 00:28:42]
Finding Abundance in Faith: “If you feel like something's been robbed, been stolen, and has been destroyed, whether it's circumstantial or whether it's internal or bit of everything, then the second part of that scripture says, but god comes to bring life and to bring abundance to you.”
— Lorellee Colley [00:29:11 → 00:29:27]
About our Lorellee:
Lorellee Colley is a co-director of Destiny Strategies Prophetic Ministry. She has been involved in prophetic ministry since 1993 and ministers prophetically across Australia and overseas. She runs a successful business with her husband Phil in coaching, consulting, and property.
Lorellee is a spiritual mentor to many & provides prophetic training through comprehensive schools and seminars. She trains & leads teams to prophesy regularly into Businesses, the marketplace, New Age events and various other events, seminars, and conferences both online and in person.
Lorellee holds a Diploma of Christian Ministry and Theology and is a Credentialed Ministers with Australian Christian Churches (ACC)
You will find more information on Destiny Strategies Prophetic Ministry on the websites.
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