[Ep#409] Overcoming Illness, Embracing Forgiveness, and Reimagining Faith

Overcoming Illness, Embracing Forgiveness, and Reimagining Faith

Feeling burdened by past traumas?

In our latest episode of The Christian Entrepreneurs Podcast, we had the immense privilege of hosting Grace Cumberland, a remarkable woman whose story of healing, faith, and inner transformation will inspire you deeply.

Grace Cumberland opens up about her struggle with chronic fatigue syndrome and her pursuit of various therapies like Tai Chi, massage, diets, and psychotherapy. She candidly shares how these attempts fell short until she turned to the Lord for healing.

From chronic illness to pastoral care, Grace Cumberland's journey of faith and surrender to God's plan is astonishing. She trusted God's plan over medical advice, leading to a profound spiritual transformation and physical healing.

Learn how bold decisions rooted in belief can lead to miraculous healing and a renewed life.

Here are 3 Key Takeaways from this episode: 

  • Inner Healing and Faith: Grace highlights the importance of inner healing and its outward manifestation, particularly for those with chronic illnesses or personal struggles. She encourages seeking holistic healing through a relationship with Jesus, emphasizing how surrendering hurt and bitterness can lead to transformative healing.
  • Power of Forgiveness: Forgiveness can be a powerful catalyst for both emotional and physical well-being.
  • Bold Faith in Times of Doubt: Grace's journey is a powerful testimony of making bold choices in the face of medical advice and trusting in God's strength. From rejecting trial medicines to embracing God's plan, her faith story is a guiding light for those enduring similar struggles.




Jump straight to these golden nuggets:

04:50 Sudden shift from healthy athlete impacts relationships.

08:01 Invited to youth concert, felt renewed spiritually.

12:13 Elders lay hands, cast demons, heal sick.

14:51 Remembered childhood events, forgiveness, importance of understanding.

18:04 Surrendering to the Lord, letting go.

22:08 Forgiveness process led to release, healing. New energy.

24:37 Zacchaeus story shows faith in reaching Jesus.

29:31 Acknowledge misunderstandings, let go, seek guidance.

32:31 Seek forgiveness, surrender to the Lord, inner healing.

36:45 Creator of your body knows you best.

38:04 Prayer for healing and blessing, thanking God.


Topic: Grace Cumberland's Background and Struggles

  • Grace Cumberland shares her struggle with chronic fatigue syndrome and its impact on her daily life and relationships.
  • Grace explains how the chronic illness affected her ability to function and the toll it took on her relationships with loved ones.
  • She details her year-long pursuit of various therapies and treatments, including Tai Chi, massage, special diets, and psychotherapy, none of which led to lasting improvement.

Topic: Encounter with Inner Healing Ministry

  • Grace recounts how she felt led by the Holy Spirit to attend a church that introduced her to an inner healing ministry.
  • She discusses her journey to understanding the importance of inner emotional healing for physical health.
  • Grace emphasizes the significance of surrendering to God's plan through participating in the Steps to Freedom in Christ program by Dr. Neil T. Anderson.

Topic: The Healing Process

  • Grace shares a powerful testimony about a pastor who prophesied her healing and how, two years later, she received medical clearance.
  •  She describes a spiritual experience during worship where she felt the Holy Spirit giving her a massage, bolstering her faith in Jesus' ability to heal.
  • Grace made a bold decision to trust in God's plan rather than pursue trial medicine for her chronic fatigue, leading to a profound spiritual transformation.

Topic: Importance of Forgiveness and Surrender

  • Grace stresses the necessity of surrendering hurt and bitterness to the Lord to facilitate healing.
  • Annemarie Cross explores the concept of forgiveness, explaining how releasing emotional ties and surrendering to the Lord can lead to freedom from suppressed emotions.
  •  Grace recounts her personal encounters with forgiveness and theophostic healing, which brought her physical and emotional healing through the release of internal burdens.
  • Biblical passages are quoted to support the discussion on forgiveness and its vital role in the healing process.

Topic: Impact on Life and Ministry

  • Grace describes how her physical and emotional healing gave her a renewed perspective on life.
  • Annemarie discusses the scriptural basis for inner healing and its modern implications for believers.
  • Following her own healing, Grace became a pastor at House of Light Ministries, where she ministers to others and witnesses inner healing miracles.
  • Grace shares some of the miracles she has witnessed as a pastor, underlining the transformative power of faith and inner healing.


Life Altered by Chronic Fatigue Syndrome: “I was sleeping 16 to 18 hours a night, and I'd wake up feeling like I'd been run over by a truck. I had no energy. It was eight crawls to the toilet and 20 steps to the breakfast table. If I made it to the breakfast table by noon, that was a good day.”— Grace Cumberland 00:04:1600:04:32

Discovering Faith Through Illness: “I had grown up in a traditional Christian home, so I was actually taught some of the things you were saying earlier, like, you know, does God really heal today? And perhaps if I never had this sickness, I might still be on that side of the fence because I had the need for healing that I wanted to pursue that.”— Grace Cumberland 00:07:2900:07:46

Viral Topic: An Unexpected Transformation
Quote: “And the Holy Spirit led me to that church because I actually had an inner healing ministry. And the pastor understood that, you know, I didn't just need physical healing, but I needed the healing of the heart.”— Grace Cumberland 00:08:3800:08:47

The Impact of Spiritual Doors: “As believers in Jesus, we can't be possessed, because we have Jesus in our spirit, we have Jesus in our heart, but in our soul realm, our mind, our thought capacity, our emotions, how we feel and our choices, our will. We can start to be oppressed if we open up spiritual doors without understanding it.”— Grace Cumberland 00:14:3100:14:51

The Importance of Addressing Childhood Trauma: “And for me, when certain topics were raised growing up, I would have very strong emotions about some of those things, particularly around the treatment of women or mistreatment of women and topics like sexual abuse and rape. But I didn't have any conscious memory as to why I was so passionately stirred up about some of those things.”— Grace Cumberland 00:14:5100:15:16

Letting Go and Moving On: “If someone stole your bed, how long would you sleep on the floor for? How many days would you go and shake your fist at the police station and demand they find the person who stole your bed? Or would you just go to the shop and buy a new one?”— Grace Cumberland 00:18:3700:18:48

Overcoming Chronic Fatigue: “And I was climbing up the mountains with the youth, and I'm rushing up the hill, and here they are, knowing me as, like, sleepy grace, sick grace, who falls asleep in church, falls asleep in Bible study. You know, we have to feed her if she stays for fellowship because she's going to fall asleep.”— Grace Cumberland 00:22:4000:22:53

A Story of Faith and Overcoming Adversity: “But having the faith and the ability to go, you know what? I'm going to climb up higher.”— Grace Cumberland 00:25:3600:25:42

Divine Intervention in Healing: “I've got this plan, God, you bless it. And he was saying, no, I've got a whole other plan for your life. You've got to let go of your plan to receive my plan.”— Grace Cumberland 00:27:0300:27:11

Experiencing Divine Intervention: “I felt like the holy Spirit gave me a massage, and that gave me faith to go, oh, my goodness, Jesus can do everything.”— Grace Cumberland 00:27:2900:27:35

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