How to Secure Guest Expert Spots on Podcasts for Lead Generation
Have you been pitching yourself to podcasts to share your expertise?
You know what you have to share is valuable, and you also know that getting on other people's podcasts is a great way to build your visibility and generate new leads. Yet, you haven't been able to secure a guest spot, and wonder what you are doing wrong?
Joining me today on the show is Melanie Benson.
Melanie – Profit Amplifier & Possibility Ignitor for Expert-preneurs, shows you how to stand out in a crowded market and attract high paying clients and opportunities. Since 2000, Melanie has a proven track record of accelerating results for her clients (it's not uncommon to see 3-5x revenue increases in the first 6 months.)
She’s host of the Top 1.5% Podcast, Amplify Your Success, co-host of Next Level Influence, is author of Rewired for Wealth, and’s Start Up Guide to Starting an Information Marketing Business, and has been featured in Bloomberg BusinessWeek, Woman’s Day, and Parenting. Melanie is a founding executive team member of Women Speakers Association.
Here are the reasons why you should listen to the full episode:
- Why being a ‘guest expert' on podcasts is a good way to attract clients
- Top mistakes guest experts make, and the ‘talented expert gets crickets' problem
- Turning a podcast episode you've guested on into a 24/7 client attraction machine
- How to get on top-rated shows.
WATCH NOW (and check out the Resources and Episode Highlights below):
- Subscribe to my weekly newsletter – The Influence Bulletin
- The Influence Alliance — A business-building community for changemakers who want to build a sustainable and scalable business they love.
- How to Become Distinguishable, Uncopyable and Irresistible Masterclass
- Are you struggling to be known as a trusted authority in your industry? Book a time to chat with Annemarie.
- 17 Mistakes You Are Making as a Guest Expert That Costing You Leads and Clients Free Scorecard & Guide:
Episode Highlights
[3:00] Podcasting
- Podcast hosts and show hosts are in constant need of an expert to be interviewed, to continue to bring that powerful conversation that their listeners count on.
- Podcasts can be accessed 24/7 for as long as the podcast is airing. People might go back and listen to several episodes. After hearing something that catches their attention, they wonder what else this host has to offer?
- You can listen to a podcast anywhere at any time.
[9:45] Mistake #1: Winging It
- Plan ahead so you don't tell rumbly stories that don't really bring the point home.
- Create a “golden thread” which causes people to listen to the show.
- Have talking points that bring home – what you teach, why you are an authority or a trusted advisor that they want more from, and why they should take the next step with you.
[11:58] Mistake #2: Not Having a Magnetic Topic
- When it comes to your topic and getting on a show, do some research.
- Craft a really compelling topic
- Do your due diligence to understand not just how to be relevant with your topic but how to pitch the podcaster that you want to be on in a way that has the best chances of being received well, read, and then booked.
[16:33] Mistake #3: Thinking That Every Show is the Show That You Should be Highlighted On
- Time is one of your most valuable assets, and wasting it being exposed to an audience that is not yours is not productive. The leads you will attract won't be buyers.
- Pick your audience wisely.
- Pitch the right kind of audience in the right kind of podcast.
[24:26] Mistake #4: Not knowing What Outcome You Want
- Consider the outcome you hope to achieve as a guest on other people's shows.
- Create a path that will lead to you attracting more customers and more leads.
- It is possible to collaborate with someone who you wish to build a relationship with.
- Pick different shows depending on what outcomes you want to have happen.
[27:00] Making a Podcast Episode You've Guested on a 24/7 Client Magnet
- Sharing the show, you've guested on is a way we say thank you and giving back to the host.
- As you share the show in your social communities, you are borrowing influence from the host who will extract things from you and highlight things you might not normally talk about.
- If you want to be a great guest, share the episode, share it, share it, share it.
10 Powerful Quotes
[6:40] “What happens with podcasts is, your episode stays in people's queue and can be accessed 24/7 for as long as that podcast is airing on the planet, right? And so, we might not realize that people actually go back and start from the beginning. People go back and listen to several episodes. They hear something that catches fire for them, and they're like, what else does this host have?”
[8:25] “The other thing I like about podcasts is like you can listen to a podcast anywhere at any time. And so that's part of that 24/7 piece.”
[15:22] “If you really look at what gets people booked on shows and we pull back the curtains, a lot of it is in the connections and the relationships and it's not from the pitches.”
[18:27] “If you're more advanced in your work and you're really looking for the right clients and you have a pretty unique niche, or you have a very specific type of client you want, you wanna be in front of audiences where those people are.”
[19:57] “It starts with really understanding what's relevant to your audience. I like to call it like building a golden thread., and the thread starts with the topic, but then what you talk about really matters.”
[21:33] “If you're going to invite people to take a next step with you, like you don't have to teach them everything. Teach them something that has meaning and value and that they can get some results with so that they recognize your value.”
[25:39] “You're gonna pick different shows depending on what outcomes you want to have happen.”
[33:20] ” I care about being a good guest and I want to bring great content and I want to add value, and I want to develop a relationship and have a beautiful relationship with the people that host podcasts that I care about.”
[35:00] “Think about how you showcase that you are a trusted advisor, that you have value that this host really wants to showcase, will be a valuable asset. Do your part and show the host all the ways in which you're gonna add value.”
[37:36] “We're not looking for celebrities and authors and people who just want to be on another episode to sell more books. We're looking for people who really want to be on my show, who want that exposure, who want to co-create something massively valuable, not just for my audience, but for their audience as well.”
About Melanie:
Melanie – Profit Amplifier & Possibility Ignitor for Expert-preneurs, shows you how to stand out in a crowded market and attract high paying clients and opportunities. Since 2000, Melanie has a proven track record of accelerating results for her clients (it's not uncommon to see 3-5x revenue increases in the first 6 months.)
She’s host of the Top 1.5% Podcast, Amplify Your Success, co-host of Next Level Influence, is author of Rewired for Wealth, and’s Start Up Guide to Starting an Information Marketing Business, and has been featured in Bloomberg BusinessWeek, Woman’s Day, and Parenting. Melanie is a founding executive team member of Women Speakers Association.
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To staying ambitious,
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