[Ep#339] How to Create Compelling Attention-Grabbing Content and Build Your Reputation as a Trusted Authority

Content is critical for engaging and getting clients. However, there is a wealth of thought leadership content available to anyone now — articles, videos, and podcasts are all online. How can you make your content stand out? How can you ensure that your content is valuable to your ideal clients?  

In this episode, Anne Marie shares insights on thought leadership content creation and provides three keys that you can start now to make your content valuable. She offers practical examples that you can apply to your business. Anne Marie also builds on her experience and imparts how we can become change-makers in our respective industries.  

If you are struggling to make your thought leadership content unique and binge-worthy, this episode is for you! 

Here are three reasons why you should listen to the full episode: 

  1. Understand valuable statistics from critical decision-makers from around the world. 
  2. Discover three concrete ways to make your thought leadership content unique and valuable to your ideal client. 
  3. Gain valuable insights on becoming a change-maker in your industry 


[01:03] 2021 Linkedin-Edelman B2B Thought Leadership Report 

  • The report is based on the responses of 1,000 key decision-makers worldwide who were asked to define trust and share their perspectives on thought leadership. 
  • 54% of decision-makers said they spend more than one hour per week reading and reviewing thought leadership content. 
  • Another finding is that 51% of C-level executives said they spent more time-consuming leadership content now than before the pandemic. 

[03:23] Commitment to Valuable Thought Leadership Content 

  • You do not need to be an innovator to overhaul the industry. Even a 1% improvement could make all the difference to your ideal client or be a breath of new air in the industry. 
  • Find a platform and medium in which you are comfortable creating thought leadership content, like articles, videos, or podcasts.  
  • Seventy-one per cent of decision-makers said that more or less half of the thought leader content or thought leadership content consumed does not give them valuable insight.  
  • Fifty-five per cent of buyers move on if a piece of content did not pique their interest within the first few minutes. 
  • Ask yourself, “Where would the decision-makers rank your content?” 

[06:48] Creating Valuable Thought Leadership Content 

  • Stop sharing the ‘same, old content’ that everyone is sharing.  
  • Instead, weave in your unique and uncopyable stories, methodologies, insights, and learnings.  
  • Hook your clients with your content. Use a powerful headline. Share content that makes an impact so you can build rapport and connection.  
  • If people believe your content is valuable, they will subscribe, listen, and look out for your content.  
  • If your clients find your content valuable, they will see you as the choice instead of a choice.  

[12:58] #1: Do the Opposite of What Your Competitors Are Saying 

  • Listen to what your competitors are saying.  
  • Ask yourself, “Is this something that you can do the opposite?” 

[11:58] Example: On Monetizing Podcasts  

  • Experts advise monetising podcasts by getting sponsorships and advertisers for your show. Instead, do the opposite and do not allow sponsors and advertisers.  
  • Monetise your message before you monetise someone else's. 
  • Do not rely on external sponsors and advertisers for monetisation. 
  • Make a robust, nurturing, reputation-building strategy for your podcast.  

[13:52] Example: On Digitising Content 

  • Experts tell people to go online and share all information digitally through emails and e-cards. Instead, do not heavily invest in online visibility or online marketing. 
  • Make sure you have printed campaigns and printed cards.  

[15:21] #2: Teach Unique Elements of Your Methodologies  

  • Methodologies are the steps, processes, models of your program.  
  • Consider your one-of-a-kind approaches, such as a signature system or a blueprint that no one else can duplicate. 
  • Anne Marie calls this ‘seeding and leading.’ 
  • Remember: no one can talk about your methodologies better than you.  

[16:01] Example: Anne Marie’s Career Experience 

  • Anne Marie believes that her previous experiences make her the choice in her field.  
  • She has had previous experiences in neuro-linguistic programming, professional counselling (particularly workplace grief and loss), and career consultancy. 
  • The stages, morals, and activities she learned through her experience help people find meaning in their work. These are her methodologies that no one else can copy. 

[16:41] #3: Go Deeper in Your Teachings 

  • Some people are afraid of going too deep into the teachings for fear that people will learn everything and no longer require them. 
  • The truth is no one can copy what you do.  
  • You had to go through decades of learning to understand the journey, know the pitfalls and gaps, and where to focus. 

[21:42] Considerations for Going Deep 

  • Hear your ideal client's words and start from there; do not go so deep that you overwhelm your clients.  
  • It can be barriers or blocks that your clients do not see but can see because you have gone through them.  
  • Go deep enough in just one area that has been helpful to your ideal client.  
  • Do not go so deep that you overwhelm your clients.  
  • Know the difference between giving, sharing, going deeper, being a value, and overwhelming your clients.  

[23:19] Becoming a Change-Maker in Your Industry 

  • Observe your industry. Take note of the outdated. Consider what you are passionate about and what drives you forward. Call on your milestones and markers and weave to make valuable, good content. 
  • Find where you can offer a fresh approach.  
  • Listen to your ideal clients. Understand what they want to deliver their desired outcomes.  
  • Use third-party statistics to validate your thinking and teachings and challenge the status quo in your industry. 

[26:48] Podcast Positioning Quadrant  

  • Annemarie also developed the Podcast Positioning Quadrant. 
  • Learn more about the Quadrant in Annemarie's program for professionals, coaches, and consultants who want to position themselves as a trusted authority with their podcast. 
  • The program is a result of her experience in the podcast space.  

10 Powerful Quotes 

[04:29] ‘You don't need to be an innovator like Musk who was completely overhauling your industry—maybe you are. But you know what? Even 1% difference can be the difference that your ideal client needs.’ 

[07:13] ‘Always be sharing content through the lens of what is going to make the most impact with your ideal client so that you instantly build rapport; you build connection.’ 

[09:30] ‘…Through you sharing your knowledge, sharing your unique and uncopyable insights when they are ready to move forward, you've positioned yourself as the choice versus just a choice because of the fact that they resonate with your vision. They resonate with the voice and your values, and they couldn't think of anyone else to support them because of everything that you've done with your content.’ 

[21:43] ‘…There is just no way that anyone else can copy that—copy what you do, because you are unique and one of a kind.’ 

[22:10] Because you've done this for so long and you've walked the journey before them for so many years prior, that you know exactly where the pitfalls are, you know exactly where the gaps are, you know exactly what they need to focus on.’ 

[23:11] ‘There's a difference between giving, sharing, going much deeper, and being of value. And then doing all of that and just overwhelming your ideal client.’ 

[25:08] ‘You understand them and you have what it is that they want, and their desire, their outcome is as well. And what you're sharing is full of golden nuggets that you can continue to teach and bring this fresh approach to your insights — but only if you know where to look for these golden nuggets.’ 

[26:14] ‘Go deeper with your teachings; share why this is important. Use third party statistics to validate your thinking and teachings.’ 

[29:31] ‘Please do not discredit previous experience. Do not discredit things that you've observed in your industry.’ 

[29:41] ‘Let your content, let your insights go deeper as you continue to share and teach your content. Because when you do that consistently, day after day, week after week, month after month, year after year, you will continue to position you as an influential, trusted authority.’ 

About Annemarie 

Annemarie Cross is a personal branding strategist and award-winning podcast host. She has been podcasting since 2008 and is a pioneer in the podcasting space. Annemarie's expertise includes brand marketing, content strategy, social media marketing, digital marketing, lead generation, and business consulting, among many others. 

Annemarie is also the founder of The Ambitious Entrepreneur Podcast Network and has made significant contributions to several organisations, including the Industry Thought Leader Academy, THe Influence Alliance, and Podcasting with Purpose.  

You can connect with Annemarie: Website | LinkedIn | Twitter 

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Content is everything when it comes to marketing. Digital technology has made it possible to access a wide range of content, and we need to make sure we produce content that is both unique and valuable.  

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To staying ambitious, 



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