[Ep#314] Cultivating Psychological Safety and a Mindset of Abundance with Ruthann Weeks

Cultivating Psychological Safety and a Mindset of Abundance with Ruthann Weeks

In these tough times, it’s not only our physical health that is threatened by the pandemic. Our mental health also suffers from the changes, stressors and worries that plague our everyday lives. Isolated in our homes, we can feel distanced and unattached from our coworkers and teammates. However, with the proper practices and approaches, we can build a psychologically safe space where we can develop a mindset of abundance .

In this episode, we are joined by Ruthann Weeks, an expert in building healthy and safe workplaces. She discusses the impact of the shift from working in the office to our homes. Ruthann also shares the best practices to support each other and promote mental health even from a distance. Working together, we can build a thriving workplace and practice a mindset of abundance for better professional and personal lives.

If you want to learn how to create a psychologically safe workplace for you and your team members, then this episode is for you!

Here are three reasons why you should listen to the full episode:

  1. Learn about the importance of mental health awareness at home and in the workplace.
  2. Practice effective tips and strategies to build a psychologically safe space, even in an online setup.
  3. Learn how collaboration and a mindset of abundance can help make positive changes for you and your team.


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Episode Highlights

[08:07] Mental Health in the Workplace

  • The past year has negatively impacted the mental health of many individuals.
  • Now more than ever, it’s crucial to prepare a mental health strategy in the workplace.
  • We all need to practice being mindful of our mental health and those of the people around us.
  • Remember, there is nothing wrong with taking care of your mental health.

[11:02] Becoming More Mindful of Mental Health

  • Building awareness around mental health is crucial.
  • We have to learn how to distinguish when someone’s mental health is declining.
  • Be ready and open to provide support to others. Even just letting them know that you see their struggles and care about them can help.
  • As a business owner and leader, set an example by showing your team that it’s okay to be vulnerable and share their concerns.

[15:03] Building a Good Workplace From Home

  • Have regular intentional check-ins with your coworkers to show your care and empathy.
  • Also, let your employees know that they have a choice to opt out of this practice.
  • Some people have unsafe homes. Thus, it’s crucial to be on the lookout for their well-being. Ruthann shares a signal you can use for these situations in the full episode.
  • Ruthann also suggests not to impose salary cuts due to the shift from in-office to remote work unless in-person premiums are stipulated in your contract.
  • Empathy and grace are especially needed at this time. So, encourage kindness amongst your team.

[21:10] About Psychological Safety

  • Psychological safety involves an environment where you can express your opinions and make mistakes without fear of reprisal.
  • Google found that a high level of psychological safety was the reason why their high-functioning teams flourished.
  • Even if employees have psychological health, it can be undermined without psychological safety in the workplace.
  • Building psychological safety requires leaders to respond well to different stressful situations. You are responsible for setting your team up for success, after all.

[30:37] Cultivating Psychological Safety

  • First, practice respect and civility. Be more mindful of how you speak to others.
  • Then, establish clear leadership and expectations. Set an open-door policy for employees seeking clarification or support.
  • Remember to be mindful of your body language, which can either be open or closed.
  • Lastly, practice recognition and appreciation for the work that your team does. Give rewards based on what your team members would like.
  • Also, ensure that what you want to implement aligns with how you act and express yourself. It starts with you.

[33:54] Having a Mindset of Abundance and Collaboration

  • For Ruthann, a mindset of abundance means believing that there is an infinite amount of everything in the universe. So, we don’t need to put limitations around ourselves.
  • A coach can greatly help you build this mindset.
  • Ruthann pushes for collaborative working relationships and psychological safety in the workplace. When we have these, it’s easier to cultivate a mindset of abundance.
  • This social movement for better working conditions requires us to stand together. is driven by values that people have.
  • ‘I expand in love, success and abundance every single day’ is Ruthann’s mantra. She believes that we attract what we’re meant to attract.

[37:27] Walking in Our Own Power

  • Don’t permit people to tell you you’re not good enough. Be mindful of what you take on board.
  • If you can, empower other people to do the same. It’s tough enough without us tearing each other apart.
  • Remember, we get to choose how we show up in the world each day.
  • To be the best version of yourself, just confidently do what you can from where you are with what you have.

10 Powerful Quotes

‘Sometimes, just knowing someone cares can go a long way towards keeping someone safe.’

‘Check in with them. Things may not be okay with them. They might not be okay.’

‘We all know how to speak to one another respectfully and properly. But do we always do it in the workplace and the home? No, we don’t.’

‘Sometimes… we just have to pause before we speak.’

‘We have to be mindful that even eye rolls, sighs, body language that’s closed off can send us a very strong signal.’

‘People need to know that everything that's in their head doesn't have to come out of their mouth.’

‘It means a lot when we’re intentional about meeting people where they are.’

‘Do unto others as they would like to have done to them or unto them, right? Just give them that choice.’

‘Abundance mindset for me means that there is an infinite amount of everything in our universe. We don’t need to put limitations around ourselves.’

‘It’s just showing up, being the best version of yourself that you can be, doing what you can from where you are with what you have, and just being confident. We rise together; we really do.’

About Ruthann

Ruthann Weeks is the founder of Harmony In The Workplace, where she works hard to create safe and healthy working environments. As a Human Resource Consultant, she focuses on spreading awareness on the need for psychological safety at work. She spreads her message to the many leaders who can make this change as a keynote speaker in multiple events and institutions.

Her passion for improving the workplace environment came from her experience in the human resources field. She established Harmony In The Workplace as a way to address the alarming cases of workplace problems. Ruthann teaches strategies and practices to prevent and mitigate these issues.

If you wish to connect with Ruthann, you may reach out to her on her website or through LinkedIn. You may also contact her at rweeks@harmonytraining.ca.

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