[Ep#308] Regaining Control Over Your Business and Your Life with George Araman

Regaining Control Over Your Business and

Your Life with George Araman

It’s easy to get overwhelmed by the challenges that come our way. It’s even easier to throw in the towel and simply let life run its course. But you can regain control of your situation if you truly desire it. To change your life , you must shift your mindset and apply yourself consistently.

George Araman joins us today to talk about how to take control of our lives and improve our relationships. He believes in approaching the four levels in our lives holistically. Through this, we rediscover and reconnect with our full selves. George also discusses the importance of having a positive mindset in creating the outcomes we want. Finally, we find out what it takes to build and maintain habits.

Listen to this episode if you want to learn more about building chemistry in personal and business relationships. Also, stay tuned to gain insights on how to change your life for the better.

Here are three reasons why you should listen to the full episode:

  1. Learn about what it means to have a more holistic approach to life.
  2. Know how your reactions to events can change your outcomes.
  3. Understand the importance of consistency in your quest to change your life.


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Episode Highlights

[02:51] George’s Background

  • George’s educational background includes a master’s in marketing. He also worked in management and entrepreneurship.
  • Along the way, he experienced heartbreak. This experience urged him to do research on personal development.
  • He has since read more than 200 books and 1,200 articles. He even conducted an experiment and wrote a book.

[03:58] The Results of George’s Research

  • George saw that once the participants connected with the material, they started reconnecting with themselves in four levels.
  • George believes more in a holistic approach, rather than just a focused outlook.
  • To change your life, you need to improve all four levels—physical, emotional, intellectual, and spiritual.
  • All aspects are intertwined with each other. When you connect with each dimension, you can start to change your life and the way you present yourself.
  • In personal and business relationships, the more dimensions you have chemistry in with the other person involved, the better the outcome.

[09:15] The Formula to Change Your Life

  • Event plus response equals outcome (E + R = O).
  • We can't control events, but we can control our responses to create a desirable outcome.
  • Some situations can start from negative thoughts and emotions. They can then grow and grow until you no longer have control over them.
  • Begin to change your life by taking control early on. You can prevent your situation from escalating to a point of no return.
  • If you are unhappy with your current status, you can look for alternatives to change your life. Exhaust all possibilities.

[16:22] The Formula to Success

  • Take 100% responsibility for your life. Stop blaming other people, events, or things for your unfortunate circumstances.
  • Thoughts lead to feelings, which lead to behaviour, which lead to action. Thus, you can start to change your life by shifting your mindset.
  • You need three things for success. Desire or passion, a suitable market, and the need for your creation.
  • George could have played the victim after getting his heart broken. Instead, he sought to take action.
  • Once he started changing his habits, he created a ripple effect that translated to other areas in his life.

[20:10] Take Time to Change Your Life

  • George believes in emotional progression instead of basing your progress on time. When you're ready, you're ready.
  • Also, he doesn't rely on quick fixes. Instead, he banks on slow and steady growth.
  • Start changing habits one by one. Begin with something simple and do it consistently over time.
  • Doing numerous things at once can lead to procrastination or loss of focus. You’ll start feeling overwhelmed and find yourself giving up.
  • Once you get past the terror barrier of starting a new habit or routine, you can actually enjoy doing it.

[28:40] Being Consistent

  • George believes in consistency. But, he also allows for flexibility. Tune in to the full episode to know how he applies this principle in his daily life!
  • The important thing is sticking to your habits 80% of the time.
  • George takes a break every 11 a.m. and 3 p.m. to do some physical activities. Doing so re-energises him and allows him to be more productive throughout the day.
  • He recommends reconnecting to yourself every now and then for a boost of energy and focus.

[33:56] Creating Momentum

  • When aiming to change your life, focusing on one small task at a time is crucial.
  • That’s because completing this goal gives you a sense of satisfaction, releases dopamine, and creates momentum.
  • Once you gain momentum, it becomes much easier to achieve bigger goals.
  • George tweaks his routines now and then and reflects on what he can do to improve.
  • You should always reevaluate your rituals to determine whether or not you are actually progressing.

10 Powerful Quotes

‘We are spiritual beings living in a physical body with intellect and emotions. So we all have all four dimensions.’

‘The more things we have in common, the more chemistry we have, the more holistic our approach, the better things are, the more connected we become.’

‘In general, we cannot really control the events that happen to us. But what we can do is we can control our response to the events, which will change the outcome.’

‘There are always solutions for those that are actually really seeking to do that.’

‘If you really want to create something, you want to really change your life, take control of it.’

‘Start with one habit to change, one small thing. Focus on it for around one month, and then start adding others.’

‘The difference between people that succeed and others is that we do the things that other people don't want to do.’

‘As we are starting to change physically, we have to make sure that our mindset is consistently changing, too.’

‘If you're great for one hour, but then for the rest of the 23 hours of your day, you're just crapping all around, you're not going to change your life. It's all about being there all throughout the day.’

‘Always reevaluate your habits or rituals every now and then, to make sure that you're actually progressing and moving forward.’

About George

George Araman is a relationship entrepreneur and a success and relationship consultant and trainer. He enjoys sharing his learnings and formulae to success and productivity as a speaker for corporate leaders and entrepreneurs.

He also shares his teachings and learnings through his first internationally best-selling book, The Grey Dance of Love. George also created the first relationship and character personality types. George’s relationship personality test, the Grey Theory, helps entrepreneurs become the best version of themselves. All these tools aim to help you find the right variables for your formula to success and gain control over your life.

You can learn more about George and his work through his website. You can also email him at connection@greylove.com.

Enjoy This Podcast?

It’s easy to think that you are a victim of your circumstances—that you can’t do anything to change your life. However, by simply shifting your mindset, you can begin a ripple effect of improvement within yourself. 

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