[Ep#224] “Power With” versus “Power Over”

“Power With” versus “Power Over”

Ever faced guilt as a working mother or felt overwhelmed by societal expectations?

In this engaging episode of the Women in Leadership Podcast, Jenna Banks, a best-selling author, entrepreneur, and an empowering voice for women, shares her profound insights and personal experiences, offering valuable lessons for leaders aiming to foster inclusivity, balance, and positive corporate cultures.

Jenna underscores the significance of setting healthy boundaries and adopting a mindset of gratitude to build resilience and foster an empowering work culture.

Tune in to explore why shifting from “power over” to “power with” can lead to healthier, more productive workplace environments and personal lives.

On today’s show, Jenna is going to share:  

  • Understand the importance of integrating both masculine and feminine traits to enhance leadership effectiveness and workplace harmony.
  • Discover how traits like empathy, inclusivity, and collaboration are reshaping the traditional leadership models and paving the way for more sustainable success.
  • Jenna's compelling story and strategies on overcoming personal and professional challenges through self-love and resilience.






Jump straight to these golden nuggets:

06:06 Prioritize self-care, especially for mothers.

08:43 Woman prioritizes self-care for better life balance.

11:30 Changing behaviors learned in childhood; being role models.

15:54 Gratitude and mindfulness lead to resilience.

17:36 Resilience comes from learning through challenges.

20:19 Book focuses on embracing inner warrior goddess.

24:48 Set boundaries to protect your resources and thoughts.

27:10 Recognize triggers, heal, set healthy boundaries, communicate effectively.

30:43 Team implemented sharing personal experiences to build empathy.

36:54 Leaders adopting feminine qualities for success in business.

38:46 Negotiate salary for mutual benefit, impact others.


TOPIC:  Leadership Styles: Balancing Masculine and Feminine Qualities

  • Discussion on the importance of incorporating both masculine and feminine traits in leadership.
  • Benefits of embracing feminine principles like creativity, intuition, inclusivity, collaboration, and empathy.
  • Shift in leadership dynamics from ‘power over' to ‘power with'.

TOPIC: The Impact of Corporate Values on Society and Consumer Behavior

  • Importance of corporations creating win-win situations that positively impact communities.
  • Influence of a company's core values on consumer spending and how consumers are becoming more discerning in their choices.

TOPIC: Personal Stories and Challenges

  • Jenna shares her experiences dealing with trauma, becoming a successful entrepreneur, and balancing life as a single mother.
  • Insights into societal expectations on women and the personal guilt encountered when prioritizing self-care.

TOPIC: The Role of Self-Care and Establishing Boundaries

  • Emphasis on self-care and self-building, particularly for working mothers, to prevent burnout and maintain health.
  • Discussing psychological perspectives on guilt and the importance of being a self-love role model for children.
  • Importance of setting boundaries in various aspects of life to manage talents, resources, thoughts, and interactions.

TOPIC: The Concept of Resilience in Leadership

  • Linking resilience to overcoming personal and professional challenges.
  • Strategies for building resilience, including practicing gratitude and changing perspectives.
  • Discussion on how adversity teaches valuable lessons that contribute to personal and leadership development.

TOPIC: Navigating and Communicating Boundaries

  • Types of boundaries such as physical and personal, and the importance of asserting them.
  • Advice on recognizing when boundaries are being crossed through feelings of discomfort or triggers.
  • Techniques for effective communication of boundaries and importance of internal dialogue in maintaining self-imposed boundaries.


Self-Care in Parenthood and Leadership: “The key is really understanding that we are in a relationship with ourselves, and that relationship needs to be our highest priority. Because then, you prioritize your well-being. You look out for your needs. You prioritize your happy. You prioritize self-care time. And, yes, that is just as relevant, if not more so, when we're parents, caregivers to others, business leaders, it's even more important because we have to take that time for us to, what I call, charge up our power container, which, you know, imagine if you have, like, an imaginary power container in, say, your heart or soul area, like a battery, and you're either operating on power full or powerless.”

— Jenna Banks 00:06:3200:07:14

Impact of Early Childhood Experiences on Adult Behavior: “We form around 95% of our beliefs and behaviors by the age of 7.”

— Jenna Banks 00:11:3800:11:44

Understanding Resilience: “I feel like you develop resilience after going through challenges. Right? It's typically how I've developed my resilience is facing a challenge, but knowing that that I can get through it.”

— Jenna Banks 00:14:4900:15:54

Mindfulness and Resilience: “And that's a place that I like to live from, and I talk about in my book as well as being in a place where you can respond instead of react.”

— Jenna Banks 00:16:3900:16:46

Embracing Self Love: “She is this part of you that exists inside of you, exists inside of every one of us, that is the epitome of your strongest self-love journey.”

— Jenna Banks 00:20:3700:20:48

Emerging Young Adult Fiction Series: “We've got a series of 9 books coming out that each of the 9 is one component of what this inner warrior goddess is.”

— Jenna Banks 00:21:4000:21:49

Understanding Personal Space: “There's a personal boundary, an invisible little boundary around your body, that, you know, doesn't mean that everyone knows what that is.”

— Jenna Banks 00:23:3000:23:40

Setting Healthy Boundaries in Relationships: “Some people, family members, or perhaps people you work with, maybe you've worked somewhere for a long time, they think your gifts and talents are theirs to call on whenever they want. Right? And you can put boundaries on those. Like, well, hey, I charge for those gifts and talents or however you wanna put a boundary on those.”

— Jenna Banks 00:24:0000:24:18

Setting Personal Limits: “You know, your resources are not an unlimited resource for somebody else, right? Or maybe they are, but maybe they have been, and now you need to start putting boundaries on access to those resources.”

— Jenna Banks 00:24:4800:24:54

Embracing Leadership Diversity: “So, for us to really be effective leaders today, especially in the era of AI, we need to step more into our full power, our full humanity so that we stand out as what as the humans that we are. And that means embracing more of our feminine power.”

— Jenna Banks 00:37:1100:37:31

Contact Jenna:

A Personal Message from Annemarie

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