Breaking Barriers: Transforming Stress, Amplifying Influence, and Mindful Responses
My guest today says, “A woman in her power raises everyone around her!”
Joining me on today’s show is Dr. Sharon Melnick.
She is a prominent global figure in women's success, resilience, and empowerment. With a decade of research experience at Harvard Medical School, her methods have been honed and tested by over 40,000 participants in coaching and training programs worldwide.
Noteworthy for her impactful speaking engagements, she has captivated audiences at prestigious venues like the White House, West Point, and the United Nations. An accomplished author, her books include “In Your Power: React Less, Regain Control, Raise Others,” and “Success under Stress.”
As a sought-after Executive Coach for women executives, she's also the creator of the Next Level Leader program, boasting a 92% success rate in propelling women to higher opportunities within a matter of weeks. Recognized as a Marshall Goldsmith Top 100 Coach and a leading voice in Leadership by LeadersHum, her influence is undeniable.
On today’s show, Sharon is going to share:
- How to be less stressed and reverse burnout and exhaustion
- Get your good ideas heard and not live in frustration of being unheard
- Learn to Respond not React so you don’t Rehash situations all day and into the night
- 3 Stages of the Customer Journey Podcast Episode
- Book in for an Authority Audit
- 5 Pillars to Build Visibility, Generate Leads and Enrol Clients with Ease Quiz
- Are You Ready to Launch Your Coaching Business Podcast? Take the Quiz
Jump straight to these golden nuggets:
[00:03:13] Burnout comes from too little power, not too much to do. Increase your sense of control. Focus on what you can control. Take responsibility for your part.
[00:06:25] Feeling powerless, angry, and emotionally overwhelmed.
[00:12:08] Gender bias affects communication effectiveness. (7 words)
[00:17:58] Speak up if uncredited, share powerful truth.
[00:22:25] Different ways to approach, express, and empower.
[00:23:55] Reclaiming power in reactive situations is crucial.
[00:29:08] Check yourself, look at alternatives, dance breaks.
[00:33:40] “Find joy and pleasure, ask what feels good.”
[00:37:09] “Coach/consultant seeking visibility, recognition, and clients?”
Increase Your Sense of Control: “We only feel stressed when there's aspects of the situation that feel out of our control. Like, it is that out of controlness that makes us feel stressed.”
— Sharon 00:03:5700:04:07
The Exhaustion of Powerlessness: “A lot of women, we're so angry, okay? We're just, like, so angry about what's going on. But there's no sanctioned place for us to feel that, to express that. So we internalize it. We stuff it down. So I think a lot of us just feel kind of bogged down with frustration or with anger or even with just a sense of grief and loss about how things are going and our sense of we feel powerless.”
— Sharon 00:08:4300:08:44
Being the Thermostat: “When you're the thermostat, you set the temperature, you set the tone. You decide how to view yourself, what you believe about yourself, what your yes and what your no is.”
— Sharon 00:08:4500:09:00
The Power of Effective Communication: “But she essentially put everything in terms of how it was going to make him look good. When he granted these things, it was going to make him look good in front of his leadership.”
— Sharon 00:15:4800:15:56
Empowerment in the Workplace: “And I think if there's a factual truth that you did the work and are not being credited with it then I would encourage you to say something.”
— Sharon 00:19:0100:19:12
Microaggressions in the Workplace: “And anytime that there is kind of a slight or a microaggression a really neutral way of bringing that up is by using the phrase intent versus impact.”
— Sharon 00:19:5900:20:15
The Power of Influence: “One thing that's super ninja in terms of influencing is when you connect somebody to an identity that they value.”
— Sharon 00:21:2300:21:32
The Power of Reactivity: “no matter what's going on around you that kind of kicks you out of your power. There's always things that you can do to get back into being good in you.”
— Sharon 00:24:2500:24:35
The Power of Dance Breaks: “we have to move that emotion through our body in order for you to have mental clarity and open yourself to fill that back up with joy and with pleasure.”
— Sharon 00:30:3700:30:48
Revolutionize Your Life: “I came home today and I told my family, I told my family what we were going to have for dinner rather than ask them. And she was like, this was revolutionary, you know what I mean, that I decide, you know what I mean?”
— Sharon 00:35:2200:35:36
About Sharon:
Dr. Sharon Melnick is a prominent global figure in women's success, resilience, and empowerment. With a decade of research experience at Harvard Medical School, her methods have been honed and tested by over 40,000 participants in coaching and training programs worldwide.
Noteworthy for her impactful speaking engagements, she has captivated audiences at prestigious venues like the White House, West Point, and the United Nations. An accomplished author, her books include “In Your Power: React Less, Regain Control, Raise Others,” and “Success under Stress.”
As a sought-after Executive Coach for women executives, she's also the creator of the Next Level Leader program, boasting a 92% success rate in propelling women to higher opportunities within a matter of weeks. Recognized as a Marshall Goldsmith Top 100 Coach and a leading voice in Leadership by LeadersHum, her influence is undeniable.
Contact Sharon:
- Website:
- Linked In:
- Email:
A Personal Message from Annemarie
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- Six Common Podcasting Myths that’ll keep you stuck from creating your profitable podcast;
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- Three Changes in Consumer Behaviour you need to be aware of BEFORE you launch your podcast to help keep you focused on what’s MOST important and/or no longer relevant;
- The NUMBER ONE reason why businesses fail to create a profitable podcast so you can avoid falling into the same trap;
- Three Podcast Profit Models that’ll help you nurture listeners into leads and into paying customers, step-by-step.
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