The Power of Stories: Building Extraordinary Connections, Trust, and Empathy
My guest today says, “You can’t and won’t please anyone. The most freeing question you can ask yourself is “Whom am I ok disappointing?”
Joining me on today’s show is Karen Eber.
Karen Eber is an author, leadership consultant, and keynote speaker. Her talk on How your brain responds to stories – and why they’re crucial for leaders has almost 2 million views.
As the CEO & Chief Storyteller of Eber Leadership Group, Karen helps companies build leaders, teams, and culture, one story at a time. She works with Fortune 500 companies like GE and Microsoft, guest lectures for London School of Business, MIT, and Stanford, and contributes to Fast Company.
Karen is a former Head of Culture, Chief Learning Officer, and Head of Leadership Development at GE and Deloitte. She has a popular TED Talk and is publishing The Perfect Story: How to Tell Stories That Inform, Influence, and Inspire with HarperCollins October 2023
On today’s show, Karen is going to share:
- How stories create amazing connection, trust and empathy.
- Why we shouldn’t leave our emotions behind at work. They are the heart of decision-making.
- The most important story you tell is the one you tell yourself.
- 3 Stages of the Customer Journey Podcast Episode
- Book in for an Authority Audit
- 5 Pillars to Build Visibility, Generate Leads and Enrol Clients with Ease Quiz
- Are You Ready to Launch Your Coaching Business Podcast? Take the Quiz
Topic: The Importance of Connecting Through Stories
- Use interactive exercises to show rather than tell
- Demonstrate different interpretations with a Rorschach ink blot
- Highlight the importance of digging deeper into data with a bar chart
- Challenge assumptions about incomplete assignments and procrastination
Topic: Building Trust and Empathy Through Stories
- Guide people through data for informed decision-making
- Personal experiences and emotions have impact on understanding
- Change the starting point of a discussion with simple data
- Overcome hesitancy to publish or finalize creative work
Topic: Authenticity and Trust in Storytelling
- The importance of genuine connection between storyteller and listener
- The role of empathy in building trust and releasing oxytocin
- Create a chemical change that increases trust through storytelling
- The value of authenticity and avoiding manipulation in storytelling
Topic: Overcoming Fear and Embracing Vulnerability
- Feeling vulnerable and nervous about sharing personal stories
- Accept that not everyone will like your story, and that's okay
- Focus on connecting with the majority of your audience
- Identify the group you are speaking to and acknowledging potential misunderstandings.
- Let go of the fear of negative feedback and connecting with those who appreciate your story
Topic: The Power of Storytelling in Leadership
- Shape culture and motivating people through storytelling
- Persuade leaders and influencing others through stories
- The impact of storytelling on learning, thinking, and energy
Topic: Overcoming Hesitancy in Creative Work and Storytelling
- Fear of sending in a book preventing knowledge of its potential
- Neurological response to personal challenges in storytelling
- Understanding discomfort as normal and not a weakness
- Finding clarity and freedom by considering the audience and potential disappointment
Topic: Taking Action and Perfecting Your Story
- Understand that not every story will have the desired impact
- Embrace an experimental mindset and testing smaller pieces
- Believe in your message to overcome discomfort
- Take action and actually telling stories to create motivation
Topic: The Role of Emotions in Decision-Making
- The research of neuroscientist Antonio Damasio
- Subconscious storage of emotions and experiences in decision-making
- The influence of subconscious processes and emotions on choices
- Rationalization of decisions occurring at a conscious level
The Power of Stories: “So it cannot be any doubt in their minds that stories can be so powerful.”
— Karen Eber 00:06:1200:06:18
“Making up a story”: Misguided advice or creative solution?
— Karen Eber 00:07:5200:07:53
Building Trust in Storytelling: “If you tell a story that's based on mistruth and you get found out that completely or creates mistrust and you'll need to do a lot of work for people to start to trust you again.”
— Karen Eber 00:10:5900:11:11
“The Impact of Facial Expressions on Trust: ‘Because her face isn't moving.'”
— Karen Eber 00:18:5900:19:00
The Importance of Community Education in Women's Health: “She has seen women simply dying due to lack of community education.”
— Karen Eber 00:20:1500:20:19
The Hesitancy to Publish: “And when we dove deep into the mindset about why they didn't finish and have it sent to the editor was, what if I publish it? Or what if I send it to my editor? And the editor comes back and says, this is no good because it's so personal.”
— Karen Eber 00:23:1100:23:26
The Importance of Storytelling: “And it's not just what you leave in, it's what you take out and then how you express that.”
— Karen Eber 00:27:0900:27:14
The Power of Emotions in Decision Making: “The most important story is the one that we tell ourselves, talking about emotions and that work, they're at the heart of decision-making.”
— Karen Eber 00:28:4300:28:51
“Connecting and Sharing Stories: Our story can also bring hope and possibility for others as well.”
— Karen Eber 00:36:2800:36:33
“Becoming a Trusted Authority in a Crowded Marketplace”: “You've positioned yourself as the choice versus just a choice for your dream client.”
— Karen Eber 00:37:0800:37:13
About Karen:
Karen Eber is an author, leadership consultant, and keynote speaker. Her talk on How your brain responds to stories – and why they’re crucial for leaders has almost 2 million views.
As the CEO & Chief Storyteller of Eber Leadership Group, Karen helps companies build leaders, teams, and culture, one story at a time. She works with Fortune 500 companies like GE and Microsoft, guest lectures for London School of Business, MIT, and Stanford, and contributes to Fast Company.
Karen is a former Head of Culture, Chief Learning Officer, and Head of Leadership Development at GE and Deloitte. She has a popular TED Talk and is publishing The Perfect Story: How to Tell Stories That Inform, Influence, and Inspire with HarperCollins October 2023
Contact Karen:
- Website:
- Linked In:
- Email:
- Instagram: @Karen Eber (@kareneber1)
- Twitter: Karen Eber (@KarenEber1)
A Personal Message from Annemarie…
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- Six Common Podcasting Myths that’ll keep you stuck from creating your profitable podcast;
- Why focusing on technology (i.e. which microphone you should be using) is unwise and what you MUST focus on first if you want to start a profitable podcast. Sadly, SO many Change Makers and aspiring Thought Leaders miss these key steps and fail to generate the ROI/income they hope their podcast will generate;
- Three Changes in Consumer Behaviour you need to be aware of BEFORE you launch your podcast to help keep you focused on what’s MOST important and/or no longer relevant;
- The NUMBER ONE reason why businesses fail to create a profitable podcast so you can avoid falling into the same trap;
- Three Podcast Profit Models that’ll help you nurture listeners into leads and into paying customers, step-by-step.
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