[Ep#209] Pay negotiation: Knowing and remembering your worth

Pay negotiation: Knowing and remembering your worth

My guest today says, “If you know your wish, want, and walk figure-you'll walk into any negotiation with less stress and anxiety.” 

Joining me on today’s show is Meggie Palmer.

Meggie founded PepTalkHer after her own experience of inequality at work. She’s personally coached women to receive raises as small as an extra $5 an hour (it added up to bed $10kover the year) all the way up to multiple 6 figure raises.  

PepTalkHer was founded out of frustration-and possibility. The gender pay gap exists -and data says it’ll take 100s of years for that to change. PepTalkHer was started to take action and galvanize change NOW. Its 5-year mission is to see 50/50 women in leadership and to close the gender pay gap. 

On today’s show, Meggie is going to share:  

  • The importance of knowing and remembering your worth 
  • What you can do today to set yourself up for performance review and future pay rise -no matter when your next pay increase conversation is 
  • How to calculate the exact number you should ask for when negotiating your pay 





Topic: Girls and Boys are Treated Differently from Young Age 

  • Girls are given subtle cues to hold themselves back 
  • Uniforms, Media, and Government Policies send messages that go against the idea that girls and women can do anything 
  • These messages lead to questioning and self-doubt 

Topic: Negotiating for Higher Pay 

  • Pep Talk helps women negotiate for higher pay 
  • Knowing your worth and negotiating is important  
  • Non-monetary benefits can be negotiated  
  • Prepare for negotiations to have a successful outcome 
  • Mental preparation can be done using the Pep Talker app 
  • Wish, want, and walk numbers are crucial to negotiations 

  Topic: Gender Pay Gap and Individual Responsibility 

  • Gender pay gap affects women, especially women of color, more severely 
  • Everyone has the capacity to influence and create change in their workplace 
  • Unconscious biases exist and need to be acknowledged  
  • Being aware and conscious of biases is powerful 
  • Rejection can lead to growth and new opportunities 
  • Finding champions and cheerleaders can support and encourage individuals during difficult times 
  • Pep Talker focuses on the concept of wish, want, and walk figure with their students 

  Topic: Reflection on Career Journey 

  • Reflecting on pivot points in careers is important 
  • Attitude and response to career twists and turns are within our control, but many of these are out of control for marginalized communities 
  • Discovering pay inequality can lead to life-changing decisions  


Highlighted Quotes: 

  • Negotiating Pay Raises: “The importance of knowing and remembering your worth. It really does start with that.”  

— Meggie Palmer [00:00:55 → 00:02:34] 

  • Salary Negotiation: “Do you think that really we need to look inward to see is some of our beliefs or are some of our beliefs inhibiting us from really getting out there, valuing our worth and being able to showcase that as we negotiate our salaries?” 

— Meggie Palmer [00:05:52 → 00:07:01] 

  • The Importance of Tracking Progress: “How often do we rush from one project to another without actually stepping back and looking at what did we do? What impact did we have? And what has that result now been for our organization, the people that we work with? We don't tend to do that very often.” 

— Meggie Palmer [00:08:35 → 00:09:32] 

  • Gender Bias in the Workplace: “If a woman has only got eight of those. Well, it's not for me yet.” 

— Meggie Palmer [00:12:45 → 00:13:26] 

  •  Creating Your Own Platform: “I'm going to stand up for this. I'm going to bring a voice, create a platform to inspire and empower others to work towards that as well.” 

— Meggie Palmer [00:16:24 → 00:17:26] 

  •  The Importance of Speaking Up: “Speaking up and together, we really are better and able to really make that change.” 

— Meggie Palmer [00:18:38 → 00:19:38] 

  •  The Power of One: “One episode, one podcast, one message at a time, because someone will hear it, someone else will pick up.” 

— Meggie Palmer [00:21:10 → 00:21:54] 

  •  Negotiation Tips: “I'm just wondering when I see what others are being paid for this, the compensation seems to be a bit of a gap. So I'm wondering what would the difference are your expectations a little less, the conversation around that have that conversation?” 

— Meggie Palmer [00:26:36 → 00:28:10] 

  •  Negotiation Strategy: “If you knew you could contribute and that contribution is going to ensure that the company continues to gain market share, then have that in your contract to review three months, six months, whatever that may be.” 

— Meggie Palmer [00:30:19 → 00:31:33] 


About Meggie:

Meggie founded PepTalkHer after her own experience of inequality at work. She’s personally coached women to receive raises as small as an extra $5 an hour (it added up to bed $10kover the year) all the way up to multiple 6 figure raises.  

PepTalkHer was founded out of frustration-and possibility. The gender pay gap exists -and data says it’ll take 100s of years for that to change. PepTalkHer was started to take action and galvanize change NOW. Its 5-year mission is to see 50/50 women in leadership and to close the gender pay gap. 

Contact Meggie:

A Personal Message from Annemarie…

Have you enjoyed listening to this podcast interview and want to know how you can create your very own podcast platform to so you become known as an influential voice in your industry?

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  • Six Common Podcasting Myths that’ll keep you stuck from creating your profitable podcast;
  • Why focusing on technology (i.e. which microphone you should be using) is unwise and what you MUST focus on first if you want to start a profitable podcast. Sadly, SO many Change Makers and aspiring Thought Leaders miss these key steps and fail to generate the ROI/income they hope their podcast will generate;
  • Three Changes in Consumer Behaviour you need to be aware of BEFORE you launch your podcast to help keep you focused on what’s MOST important and/or no longer relevant;
  • The NUMBER ONE reason why businesses fail to create a profitable podcast so you can avoid falling into the same trap;
  • Three Podcast Profit Models that’ll help you nurture listeners into leads and into paying customers, step-by-step.

Go to: www.PodcastingWithPurpose.com/Masterclass


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