Empowering women to lead revenue in corporate and their own companies
My guest today says, “You decide when you move forward – if your current situation isn’t empowering – then go find one, or create your own.”
Joining me on today’s show is Kelley O’Keeffe.
Kelley runs a company devoted to maximizing the revenue of women owned businesses and sharpening female sales leadership skills called Empowered Engagement LLC. She specializes in studying and working with millennial female business leaders.
She was a technology sales executive overseeing 15% of her publicly traded company’s revenue and in charge of two key client relationships leading over 300 people globally. She had to leave corporate for health reasons related to fertility treatments – and began to realize the cost our society was experiencing after the Great Breakup.
Kelley devoted herself to studying the millennial female in business and realized a main way to gender equality in leadership is through having more women in revenue leadership roles.
On today’s show, Kelley is going to share:
- 5 challenges millennial mid-career females in business face, and how successful women have overcome them.
- The importance of having women in revenue leadership
- Ways we can empower more women to lead revenue for corporate and in their own companies
- 3 Stages of the Customer Journey Podcast Episode
- Book in for an Authority Audit
- 5 Pillars to Build Visibility, Generate Leads and Enrol Clients with Ease Quiz
- Are You Ready to Launch Your Coaching Business Podcast? Take the Quiz
About Kelley: 
Kelley runs a company devoted to maximizing the revenue of women owned businesses and sharpening female sales leadership skills called Empowered Engagement LLC. She specializes in studying and working with millennial female business leaders.
She was a technology sales executive overseeing 15% of her publicly traded company’s revenue and in charge of two key client relationships leading over 300 people globally. She had to leave corporate for health reasons related to fertility treatments – and began to realize the cost our society was experiencing after the Great Breakup.
Contact Kelly:
- Website: http://www.empoweredengagement.com
- Linked In: @kelleyokeeffe
- Email: kelley@empoweredengagement.com
- Instagram: @empoweredengagement_llc
A Personal Message from Annemarie…
Have you enjoyed listening to this podcast interview and want to know how you can create your very own podcast platform to so you become known as an influential voice in your industry?
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- Six Common Podcasting Myths that’ll keep you stuck from creating your profitable podcast;
- Why focusing on technology (i.e. which microphone you should be using) is unwise and what you MUST focus on first if you want to start a profitable podcast. Sadly, SO many Change Makers and aspiring Thought Leaders miss these key steps and fail to generate the ROI/income they hope their podcast will generate;
- Three Changes in Consumer Behaviour you need to be aware of BEFORE you launch your podcast to help keep you focused on what’s MOST important and/or no longer relevant;
- The NUMBER ONE reason why businesses fail to create a profitable podcast so you can avoid falling into the same trap;
- Three Podcast Profit Models that’ll help you nurture listeners into leads and into paying customers, step-by-step.
Go to: www.PodcastingWithPurpose.com/Masterclass
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