[Ep#192] 7 Exciting Sales Statistics that’ll build visibility and influence the sale for Coaches & Consultants

7 Exciting Sales Statistics that'll build visibility and influence the sale for Coaches & Consultants

I stumbled across some exciting sales statistics this week that as coaches and consultants who are growing a business, which you’ll want to be aware of as you continue to create and share content and even have sales conversations with prospective customers.  

Each of these 7 statistics confirm the importance of creating valuable and compelling your content your ideal customer can find as they continue to search for a solution to their challenge and a coach to help them achieve their goals. 

Why are these statistics exciting?  

Because the studies confirm that your ideal customer wants valuable content/information, they want to be nurtured along the customer journey, and if you do it well, it’ll influence their decision to hire you.  

You become THE coach vs just A coach when they’re ready to invest. 

Let’s dive in. 



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To staying ambitious, 



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