[Ep 355] Network, network, network!

Network, network, network!

My guest today says, “No amount of denying happiness will diminish loss. Life is to be lived. Loss is inevitable and happiness should always be embraced.” 

Joining me today is Lisa Kaplin. 

Lisa is a psychologist and professional certified coach. She teaches others how to be coaches, giving numerous talks around communication, executive presence, and leadership. She considers herself a life coach for the business world in that often the issues that show up at work also show up in our personal lives. When we figure one aspect out we influence the other aspect as well.  

On today’s show, Lisa is going to share:  

  1. Network, network, network! 
  2. Keep going even if it is only one tiny step at a time 
  3. What are you most afraid of? Do that first! 



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To staying ambitious, 



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