[Ep 328]: 3 things that’ll get you more focused (and more clients) fast for your coaching business

3 things that'll get you more focused (and more clients) fast for your coaching business

Struggling to focus because you're multi-passionate coach/entrepreneur who loves learning new things, with the thought of new creative projects firing you up – especially when it comes to the start of a new year, but, if you’re honest, you’re struggling to really make the impact you want in your business and you’re no-where near where you want to be – despite all of your hard work?  This show is for you. 

Why you should listen: 

  • Find out the 3 things Annemarie did differently in her business that enabled her to get the focus and clarity she needed, which literally changed the trajectory of her business, and can for your coaching business as well!

    In fact, it was what enabled her to turn her ‘worst business failure EVER' situation into the ‘BEST thing that could have happened to her' story. And, you can too.




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To staying ambitious, Annemarie


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