30. Nurturing Listeners into Leads from your podcast

Nurturing Listeners into Leads from your podcast

Hi, this is Annemarie, and welcome to another #ListenerIntoLead podcast tip for coaches and consultants who want to launch a podcast to nurture listeners into leads, get clients and build their business with their podcast. This is tip #30. 

This is the last of the ListenerIntoLead series – if you haven’t gone through all of them yet, I encourage you to do so. I share all of the things I wish someone had shown me back in 2008 when I started my first co-hosted podcast on how to leverage my podcast to get clients and to build my business. 

There wasn’t anyone around at that time and I had to learn through trial and error and many tens of thousands of dollars. So, I’m sharing what I’ve learned so you don’t have to go through the same frustration I did – you can get the right strategy in place and begin to generate results from your very first episode. 

Today’s tip is nurturing listeners into leads from your podcast – in fact from your very first episode. If you are still in the process of getting your podcast ready to launch, you can use the tactic I’m about to share with you. And, if you already have a podcast yet you haven’t been able to generate the results you hoped for – you can use this tactic as well, however you’re going to have to do a few more things as part of your overall strategy to make sure it does work for you with your existing podcast. 

Remember how I told you that when I launched Women In Leadership podcast after my worst business failure and from a podcast I started to help me deal with my grief and loss I was able to accidently generate two 4 figure clients after only 3 episodes being published?  

Well, it wasn’t till a few years after that, that I retraced the steps those two business women took, googling business and brand consultant, came to my website, looked around and listened to the 3 episodes that were published and go from not knowing me to ringing me and asking me what the best package was for them, I came up with this tactic. 

I thought, imagine if I created 3 episodes where it was me sharing insights to my ideal clients most pressing problem and through that 3 part series I was not only building know, like and trust, I was sharing information they’d not heard before, I was supporting their learning and growth so they were getting mini wins along the way, so that by the time they had finished going through the 3 episodes they wanted to learn more about how they could learn more in working with me?  

And, that’s exactly what I did and do and now teach my clients to do with their podcast. Create a 3 part special podcast series that showcases your thought leadership, that engages, educates and entices your ideal client to take that next step. And that special series can continue to work for you 24/7, 365 days a year continuing to get people off your podcast and onto your list – from your very first episode even, with your ideal client spending time with you, building know, like and trust as they continue to learn more about you and from you as you share your insights.  

I share more about the 3-part podcast series in my Profitable and Purposeful Podcasting Masterclass at PodcastingWithPurpose.com/ListenerIntoLead – I highly recommend you get access to it if you haven’t already as it’s jam packed with more information, along with my eBook: Industry Thought Leader: go From Invisible to Influential (and Profitable) with a Podcast.  

So that’s how you nurture listeners into leads from your very first episode, with your special 3-part thought leader podcast series.  

If you’ve enjoyed this series and want to know more about how you can work with me – I encourage you to get the Masterclass first. Or you may want to join me on my 90-Day Idea to Launch your Podcast Immersive on www.PodcastingWithPurpose.com/Immersive. Or if you’d like to work with me privately or book a time for a Strategy Call as you realise you need to look at your message and offerings as well – go ahead and book a time in my calendar: www.AnnemarieCross.com/StrategyCall  


Are you a coach or consultant who is struggling to stand out online? Do you feel unnoticed, unheard, invisible?  

Access my free Masterclass, on how to become Distinguishable, Uncopyable and Irresistible to your ideal client – even if you’re in a crowded marketplace. 

Go to: www.IndustryThoughtleaderAcademy.com/DistinguishableMessage 

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If you learned something by tuning into this podcast, do not hesitate to write a review and share it with your friends. Help us help them grow their business and create positive impact. For more updates and episodes, visit the Ambitious Entrepreneur Show website. You can also subscribe through Apple Podcasts, Google Podcasts, Spotify, Stitcher, Email, RSS and more! 

You can also follow us through Facebook. Want to build a scalable business you are passionate about? Join The Influence Alliance – the Business Building Community for Change Makers. Want to launch your own Thought Leader Podcast? Access my ‘Are You Ready to Launch Your Podcast' Quiz here, and have a chat with me. Have any questions? You can contact me through these platforms: 

To staying ambitious, Annemarie


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