29. Leveraging your podcast in your Customer Journey

Leveraging your podcast in your Customer Journey

Hi, this is Annemarie, and welcome to another #ListenerIntoLead podcast tip for coaches and consultants who want to launch a podcast to nurture listeners into leads, get clients and build their business with their podcast. This is tip #29. 

If you’ve accessed my Profitable and Purposeful Podcasting Masterclass, you would have heard me talk about the customer journey and how your podcast can play an integral role in nurturing your customers along the customer journey when you have the right strategy and tactic in place. Make sure you listen to tip #30 as I share more about the tactic that will help you begin to nurture listeners into leads. 

The three stages to the customer journey, is Stage 1 Awareness, Stage 2 Consideration and Stage 3 Decision.  

Stage 1 – Awareness is when the potential customer is aware they have a problem and they are actively seeking answers. They’ve now come across your podcast and they are listening to you share your insights. 

Stage 2 – Consideration is when they have just taken that next step after your call to action – that listener has now become a lead and they are now considering the information you are sharing, they are considering you, they are continuing to build know like and trust, as they continue to consume and engage with the content you are sharing. 

Then Stage 3, is Decision – when with another call to action, your listener who has become a lead, is now being nurtured along the customer journey to become an enquiry, they are now either booking themselves on a strategy/discovery call waiting to speak to you about how you might be able to help them. 

Which has all started from your podcast, as you continued to build know, like and trust with your listener, nurturing them from Awareness stage, to Consider stage, right through to Decision stage.  

As I mentioned in my Masterclass – a customer journey is a strategic sequential set of steps that continue to build know, like and trust and once you have those strategic sequential set of steps in place they can continue to work for you 24/7, 365 days a year. 

Have you mapped out your customer journey and how you can leverage your podcast to nurture them through your strategic sequential set of steps?

If not, that’s what I encourage you to focus on. And, if you haven’t already, get access to my Profitable and Purposeful Podcasting Masterclass where I dive even deeper into the customer journey and how to nurture listeners into leads. www.PodcastingWitjPurpose.com/ListenerIntoLead that’s PodcastingWithPurpose.com/ListenerIntoLead   

I’ll see you in the next tip.  


Are you a coach or consultant who is struggling to stand out online? Do you feel unnoticed, unheard, invisible?  

Access my free Masterclass, on how to become Distinguishable, Uncopyable and Irresistible to your ideal client – even if you’re in a crowded marketplace. 

Go to: www.IndustryThoughtleaderAcademy.com/DistinguishableMessage 

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You can also follow us through Facebook. Want to build a scalable business you are passionate about? Join The Influence Alliance – the Business Building Community for Change Makers. Want to launch your own Thought Leader Podcast? Access my ‘Are You Ready to Launch Your Podcast' Quiz here, and have a chat with me. Have any questions? You can contact me through these platforms: 

To staying ambitious, Annemarie



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