Right Tactic – Wrong Timing for You and Your Business, Right Now
You only need to look online to find numerous marketers talking about how you need to do this in order to get more clients, or this new bright shiny object is THE answer. Whatever the tactic, or whatever the bright shiny tool there’s one key thing that none of these marketers talk about.
And, that’s – just because you can – doesn't mean you should.
Just because you can (fill in the gap of the tactic or bright shiny tool) – doesn’t mean you should. Because it might be a GREAT tactic, a GREAT tool, that is right for someone else and it may be right for you BUT not right now in your business.
So, right tactic, wrong timing.
Even the best thought-out strategy may not be the RIGHT strategy for you, become it’s the WRONG timing for where you’re at in your business.
For instance, a podcast is a great marketing strategy IF your message is already working.
If your message isn’t working and you’re hoping a podcast will turn things around – it won’t.
Because a podcast will only amplify a message that isn’t working, to a lot more people. So, be mindful of the strategies and tactics you implement. Because you may be falling into the trap of RIGHT strategy, WRONG timing for your business.
Another example could be writing a book. Writing a book is a great way to build your authority, however similarly to a podcast if you haven’t clearly defined how you’re going to leverage your book, you’re unclear on what you want to become known as a trusted authority in, and your message isn’t working – then writing a book at this time is WRONG timing.
Have a think about some of the marketing and tools you’ve been using in your business. Are they working as well as you’d hoped?
Perhaps it’s because they are a great tool or marketing strategy BUT just wrong timing for you with the state you’re at in your business.
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To staying ambitious, Annemarie
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