26. Your Call to Action – why the ‘next step’ is important 

Your Call to Action – why the ‘next step’ is important

Whenever you create a piece of content there has to be an end in mind AND a next step that you encourage your ideal client to take that gets them into the next step, the next phase of the customer journey as you continue to build know, like and trust.  

The purpose of your content is of course to bring value, and position yourself as a trusted authority, with the content so good, that when you invite them to take the next step, your ideal will. 

When it comes to your content, think about the 3 ‘E’s 

  • Educate 
  • Engage 
  • Entice 

Educate your ideal client with valuable insights, engage and build know like and trust by ensuring your message resonates with them, and then entice them and seed and lead to the next step. Invite them to take that next step. 


Are you a coach or consultant who is struggling to stand out online? Do you feel unnoticed, unheard, invisible?  

Access my free Masterclass, on how to become Distinguishable, Uncopyable and Irresistible to your ideal client – even if you’re in a crowded marketplace. 

Go to: www.IndustryThoughtleaderAcademy.com/DistinguishableMessage 

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To staying ambitious, Annemarie 


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