20. Finding the right podcast audience

Finding the right podcast audience

Hi, this is Annemarie, and welcome to another #ListenerIntoLead podcast tip for coaches and consultants who want to launch a podcast to nurture listeners into leads, get clients and build their business with their podcast. This is tip #20 

Want to find the right audience for your podcast?

You’ve probably heard many marketers say you need to share more content, across more platforms, with more frequency so our message can cut through the noise?  

So, get your podcast across as many social media platforms as you can, as often as you can.  

I disagree with this. Especially if you are a change maker and looking to position yourself as a trusted authority, a thought leader in your industry. 

While other marketing coaches are saying more, more, more, I’m saying LESS is more. 

Especially when it comes to your podcast. 

So, not MORE social media platforms, but the RIGHT platform.  

And, when it comes to the right platform for you – it's finding out where the majority of your ideal clients are hanging out and then making sure you are focusing on that platform or those platforms. Rather than being distracted and being stretched too thin because you are trying to share your podcasts across as many social media platforms as you can.  

  • Where does your client hang out? 
  • What are they interested in learning more about?  
  • What’s their most pressing need that you can speak into? 
  • If you’re targeting a cold audience on that platform, how do they prefer to consume your content – in a bit size piece, followed by a link where they can listen to the full show? 
  • Do they prefer to read first, rather than say an audiogram? 
  • Or will you use a combination of micro content to bring your new audience back to your full episode? 

So, where do you find the right podcast audience? On the platforms your ideal client hangs out. Because the right podcast audience IS an audience of your ideal clients.  

Get clear on who your ideal client is and then go out and find out where they’re hanging out. Then focus on that platform. 

I’ll see you in the next tip.  


Are you a coach or consultant who is struggling to stand out online? Do you feel unnoticed, unheard, invisible?  

Access my free Masterclass, on how to become Distinguishable, Uncopyable and Irresistible to your ideal client – even if you’re in a crowded marketplace. 

Go to: www.IndustryThoughtleaderAcademy.com/DistinguishableMessage 

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You can also follow us through Facebook. Want to build a scalable business you are passionate about? Join The Influence Alliance – the Business Building Community for Change Makers. Want to launch your own Thought Leader Podcast? Access my ‘Are You Ready to Launch Your Podcast' Quiz here, and have a chat with me. Have any questions? You can contact me through these platforms: 

To staying ambitious, Annemarie 


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