18. How to create an uncopyable and irresistible listener experience for your podcast

How to create an uncopyable and irresistible listener experience for your podcast

Hi, this is Annemarie, and welcome to another #ListenerIntoLead podcast tip for coaches and consultants who want to launch a podcast to nurture listeners into leads, get clients and build their business with their podcast. This is tip #18 

Today I want to speak about what I mean when I speak about being Uncopyable. 

To me and what I’m supporting my clients in identifying are all of the unique and uncopyable elements about who they are, along with their journey and experience that no-one else can copy. 

It’s uncopyable because it isn’t their history, their story, their journey. It’s YOUR’s and yours's alone.  

Recently, I heard a business owner share that she attended a training and the facilitator told attendees – if you don’t have an interesting story – just make one up. 

I don’t know about your definition of ‘make something up.’ However, making something up – faking it till you make it – is a deception, a lie.  

And, as the Change Maker I know you are – you don’t need to fake it till you make it, nor do you make something up. You just need to dig deeper and uncover the unique and uncopyable aspects that make you – YOU. 

Now, when it comes to creating a uncopyable and irresistible Listener experience there are two more things I want to talk about in this tip that will help you create that uncopyable and irresistible listener experience. 

Those two things are your Characteristics (or character traits) and Mannerisms. 

Your characteristics are your distinguishing features and qualities.  

Your mannerisms – are a group of verbal or other unconscious habitual behaviours that are particular to you.  

In fact – your mannerisms can bring out your character.  

For instance, a confident person (which could be a character of confidence) can be brought to life by maintaining eye contact when you speak. Walking upright with your head held higher can also exude the character of confidence. 

The opposite mannerism that brings out the character of being shy and/or reserved, could be speaking softly, head tilted downward, avoiding eye contact.  

Some other character traits could be honest, brave, bold, compassionate, lead, courageous, loyal.  

Why are these irresistible? Because they resonate with your ideal client – your listener. Your style and approach – your character and mannerisms are something your listener can relate to and appreciates and is the reason why people come for the topic and return for the host – YOU. You may be speaking about similar topics as other podcasts – BUT the way in which you bring this information to life – your style, your approach, your character and mannerisms. 

So, today, take some time to reflect on some of your unique characteristics and mannerisms and bring this out intentionally and purposefully in each and every episode to create that unique, uncopyable and irresistible listener experience. 

I’ll see you in the next tip.  


Are you a coach or consultant who is struggling to stand out online? Do you feel unnoticed, unheard, invisible?  

Access my free Masterclass, on how to become Distinguishable, Uncopyable and Irresistible to your ideal client – even if you’re in a crowded marketplace. 

Go to: www.IndustryThoughtleaderAcademy.com/DistinguishableMessage 

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To staying ambitious, Annemarie 


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