10. Your Uncopyable Story: Markers & Milestones

Following on from yesterday’s tip where I spoke about two elements that are unique and uncopyable about you being a blend of your characteristics and your mannerisms, today I’m sharing another two elements that no one else can copy because they’re unique to you and no-one else. 

And, when you weave these elements into your story and your message – no one else can copy it because it’s not their journey NOR has it happened to them. 

Today I’m talking about Markers and Milestones.  

Markers are significant events in your life, such as challenges and struggles that you have had to face and overcome. Milestones are the successes, the achievements you have secured when facing those challenges. 

Now when thinking about Markers and Milestones, Markers must be relevant to your ideal client and something they resonate with, are most likely struggling with themselves and the milestones must also be something your ideal client resonates with, because most likely this is something they’re longing to achieve – however haven’t been able to figure out HOW.  

For instance, one of my uncopyable story angles is when I started Women In Leadership Podcast. It was after my worst business failure ever and I started Women In Leadership Podcast to help me deal with my grief and loss. With only 3 episodes being published, I thought if I can generate 2 x 4 figure clients accidentally from a podcast I started to help me deal with my grief and loss – what would be possible if I backtracked the steps my clients took to get them to the point where they had gone from not knowing me at all, googling Brand and Business Consultant, come to my website, listen to the podcasts, search around the site and decide they’d want to work with me. 

A book – Industry Thought Leader – how to go from Invisible to Influential (and profitable) with a podcast and my course – Podcasting With Purpose was born and now this is something I teach my clients, coaches and consultants who are looking to leverage a podcast to build their reach, reputation (as a trusted authority) and their revenue from their very first episode. 

That’s one of my stories, which is unique and uncopyable – because it’s my journey. 

Now it’s time for you to identify some of the Markers and Milestones that’s relevant for you in your Take Action Guide. 


Are you a coach or consultant who is struggling to stand out online? Do you feel unnoticed, unheard, invisible?  

Access my free Masterclass, on how to become Distinguishable, Uncopyable and Irresistible to your ideal client – even if you’re in a crowded marketplace. 

Go to: www.IndustryThoughtleaderAcademy.com/DistinguishableMessage 

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You can also follow us through Facebook. Want to build a scalable business you are passionate about? Join The Influence Alliance – the Business Building Community for Change Makers. Want to launch your own Thought Leader Podcast? Access my ‘Are You Ready to Launch Your Podcast' Quiz here, and have a chat with me. Have any questions? You can contact me through these platforms: 

To staying ambitious, Annemarie 



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