[Episode #102]: Why You Need an Accountant for Your Small Business with JeFreda Brown

According to statistics on business failure by industry and the reasons they fail is because of a lack of good accounting and not paying taxes.

As an ambitious entrepreneur do you have a good accountant who is supporting you and your business’s growth?

Well, according to my guest today – you should have!

On today’s show, JeFreda Brown – owner of Brown Account Solutions is going to talk about:

  • Why hiring an Accountant can help your business run more efficiently and keep you out of trouble by ensuring you are compliant with tax laws, regulations and industry standards
  • Learn about the billions of dollars the US Government has set aside to buy products and services from businesses, especially WOSBs, (Women Owned Small Business) VOSBs (Veteran Owned Small Business, and MOSBs (Minority Owned Small Business)
  • Gain a better understanding of the importance of having good record keeping in place, especially for reporting purposes for things such as the Affordable Care Act
  • And much more

Do you have a question you’d like me to answer in an upcoming show? Or do you want to share a comment or ‘aha’ moment?

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  • (03) 9708 6930 – Within Australia
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Enjoy the show!

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More about JeFreda Brown

JeFreda Brown is the owner of Brown Accounting Solutions, LLC and has over 16 years of business experience in different areas. She provides accounting, tax, and other business consulting services to businesses, and is America’s #1 Small Business Accounting Compliance Accountant & Business Coach.

Contact JeFreda4902703762529215a37f7a6ddceece73



What did you think about the message JeFreda shared today? What action step will you take after hearing today’s tips and strategies to enable you to get a better understanding of how your business can run more efficiently and compliantly? Go ahead and share. We’d love to hear from you!

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