Ways to Improve Your Money Mindset

Ways to Improve Your Money Mindset

Joining me on today’s show is Nicole Lewis-Keeber.

Nicole is a Money Mindset Master with a background in therapy and life coaching. Using a conversational, engaging, humor-infused approach to complex challenges, Nicole’s talks and coaching programs guide business owners, coaches, and healers to reveal and release their underlying blocks and barriers to having a business they love and that loves them back. She guides clients through targeted approaches so  that they can master their mindset, heal their heart, empower their future and make some damn money!

Nicole lives in Lancaster, Pennsylvania with her husband Jason and three fat, happy cats.


On today’s show you will discover:

  • Tips on ways to improve your money mindset
  • Tools for having a healthy relationship with your business
  • How to partner with your inner critic




About Nicole

Nicole is a Money Mindset Master with a background in therapy and life coaching. Using a conversational, engaging, humor-infused approach to complex challenges, Nicole’s talks and

coaching programs guide business owners, coaches, and healers to reveal and release their underlying blocks and barriers to having a business they love and that loves them back. She guides clients through targeted approaches so  that they can master their mindset, heal their heart, empower their future and make some damn money!

Nicole lives in Lancaster, Pennsylvania with her husband Jason and three fat, happy cats.


Contact Nicole:


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