[TMB#06] Canberra SEO Expert shares Top SEO Tips

Topic: Canberra SEO Expert shares Top SEO Tips

Are you looking for a full funnel of prospective clients, and more calls from your website. Or perhaps you’re looking for more engagement with clients and customers through social media, and broader reach than just word of mouth? Or more visibility so you can be seen as an authority in your industry?

You’ve heard you need SEO, and while you know it works and the credibility is there, you wonder if it will work for you? And, how much work is involved? And, you’re worried it’s going to be too confusing for you?

If this sounds like you, you’re in luck.

Joining me on today’s show is David Ritchie.

David is a long-time wannabe entrepreneur, who took the plunge at an advanced age. He is loving the people and the process. And the challenge of working for himself.

He comes to the table with a vast knowledge of IT, and the people skills honed over decades of face to face training. Coupled with a passion for improving the lives of the business owner by providing the best value he can, he augments it by demystifying the SEO process. His simple way of explaining complex subjects gives the listener the knowledge and the certainty that they can participate fully in their own SEO journey.


On today’s show David is going to share:

  • Demystifying and taking the confusion out of SEO
  • Why SEO is not a short-term fix, but rather is a long-term marketing and investment strategy and when done well can generate incredible results for your business;
  • Some Top SEO tips to help you on your way to being number one on Google and more.



About : 

David Ritchie is a long-time wannabe entrepreneur, who took the plunge at an advanced age. He is loving the people and the process. And the challenge of working for himself.

He comes to the table with a vast knowledge of IT, and the people skills honed over decades of face to face training. Coupled with a passion for improving the lives of the business owner by providing the best value he can, he augments it by demystifying the SEO process. His simple way of explaining complex subjects gives the listener the knowledge and the certainty that they can participate fully in their own SEO journey.



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