[Ep#129] The Greatness Principle: Building a key support network with Jen Harwood

The Greatness Principle: Building a key support network.

As a business owner, especially if you are a solopreneur and working on you own, you can become quite isolated. So how do you build a network of key people who can provide you with the right support. How do you create success for yourself or even help someone else become great?

These are all extremely important questions and questions my guest will answer on today’s episode.

Today’s guest is Jen Harwood. She is a recognised business speaker, a small business expert who has consulted with over a thousand business owners throughout Australia and internationally; she is also the author, with her latest book The Greatness Principle.

On today’s show, Jen will:

  • Give you a true understanding of how to build a support network
  • Help you navigate life’s setbacks and challenges with ease
  • Provide strategies on how to deal with life’s top 10 challenges
  • and much more

Do you have a question you’d like me to answer in an upcoming show? Or do you want to share a comment or ‘aha’ moment?

Leave me your name, business name and comment on either of the contact details below and I’ll answer your question or include your comment in an upcoming episode:

  • (03) 9708 6930 – Within Australia

Enjoy the show!

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About: Jen Harwood

Jen Harwood is a recognised business speaker and a small business expert who has consulted with over a thousand business owners throughout Australia and internationally. She is also the author, with her latest book The Greatness Principle.imgres

Contact Jen:


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