[Ep #127] Taking the confusion out of Facebook advertising with Claire Pelletreau

Taking the confusion of our Facebook advertising

In late 2013, Facebook dramatically overhauled how your page’s posts get shown to your fans. It’s gotten a whole lot harder to reach your fans now, fans you’ve maybe spent years building up. This has pushed a lot of people to start playing around with Facebook ads, but there’s a big learning curve and it’s easy to watch your money slip away while you figure out what’s going on.

Today’s guest is Facebook ads consultant and confessed conversion junkie – Claire Pelletreau. Claire helps small business owners bring in more subscribers and sales than they ever imagined using Facebook ads.

On today’s show, Claire will speak about:

  • The number one mistake that small business owners make when getting started with Facebook ads
  • Where Claire stands on the debate about running campaigns to get more likes on your Facebook page
  • Her favorite targeting trick to get more, better clicks on your ads
  • and much more

Enjoy the show!

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About: Claire Pelletreauimgres

Claire Pelletreau is a Facebook ads consultant and confessed conversion junkie. She helps small business owners bring in more subscribers and sales than ever imagined using Facebook ads.

Contact Claire


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