[TAE 138] How to Design Your Website as an Effective Marketing Tool

When you think about your current website, is it working as an effective marketing tool for your business? Are you regularly generating leads and clients, as well as building your reputation and credibility as an expert in your field from your website and online presence?

According to my guest today – you should be. Your website is much more than just a static online brochure and when you have the right strategies in place, your website can become an incredible marketing tool for your business.

Today I’m joined by Gagan Randawa. She is a website consultant, a Visual Design and owner of 57PixelMedia. She provides robust and comprehensive solutions in terms of CMS, E-commerce, and Social Media Marketing for Startups, Digital Companies and Enterprises. She has also helped various industry based businesses increase their sales with their online presence.

On today’s show Gagan will share:

  • 3 key factors for planning your website to increase the conversion rate and less bounce rate on the website;
  • How to design your website as an effective marketing tool;
  • How to build your reputation and credibility and how social media plays an important role;
  • and much more

Do you have a question you’d like me to answer in an upcoming show? Or do you want to share a comment or ‘aha’ moment?

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  •  (03) 9708 6930 – Within Australia

Enjoy the show!

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About Gagan Randhawa

Gagan is a Website Consultant, Strategist and Visual Designer and owner of 57PixelMedia. She has provided robust and comprehensive solutions in terms of CMS, E-commerce, and SMM for gaganrandhawaStartups, Digital Companies and Enterprises. She has also helped various industry based businesses increase sales with the online presence.

She is also author for online product based company at Amsterdam. She loves to Sketch, Paint, explore different Cuisines, Travel and listen to any kind of music that can lighten up her mood.



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