[Ep #217] Speaking from the Heart ~ transforming your message with your body and voice

Topic: Speaking from the Heart ~ transforming your message with your body and voice

Presentation skills is not generally considered the forte of small business. But in this age of “genuine connections”, face-to-face networking events and the perfect pitch – nailing your message is crucial to getting out there and being heard.

There's a lot of noise online and it's difficult to cut through; we can learn the tricks of this trade easily enough but being present in the room with a potential client or business connection is a harder skill to master. Well, luckily we have an help today for our small business listeners.

Dr Gary Wohlman is one such expert, here to share his wealth of expertise and years of experience working with individuals, consultants as communications skills coach, bringing people's voice and message out into the world as they've always dreamed possible.


On today’s show Gary is going to share:

  • Integrating the 3V’s of communication – the Verbal, Vocal and Visual components so you can deliver your key messages with greater ease, efficiency and inspiring your listeners to action;
  • Developing Self-Talk to empower presentations on all stages of your life;
  • The Grid System for ‘walking your talk’;
  • The “Modelling the Hero” exercise to reclaim disowned qualities projected onto heroes, role models and mentors.


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Leave me your name, business name and comment on either of the contact details below and I’ll answer your question or include your comment in an upcoming episode:

(03) 9708 6930 – Within Australia (613) 9708 6930 – International

Enjoy the show!

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