Episode #69: Sky rocket your confidence and cashflow for the Heart-Centered Entrepreneur with Vanessa Simpkins

Are you struggling to attract more clients and make more money in your business? You’re certainly not alone. In fact, my guest today is Vanessa Simpkins and this is something she struggled with in her holistic practice several years ago.

On today’s show Vanessa shares her journey with us and how she went from being bankrupt, living in a tiny apartment with drug dealers and other not-so-friendly characters as her neighbors, and relying on her partner, to earning $900 a day selling mops.

Fast forward to today and she now runs a successful business helping heart-centered entrepreneurs breakthrough their inner blocks, sky rocket their confidence and put proven systems in place to attract more clients and make more money.

Vanessa shares:

  • Her personal journey and how she went from bankrupt to earning $900 a day
  • 3 biggest money mindset and power leaks entrepreneurs make and how to avoid them
  • Why “Authenticity” and “Authentic Marketing” is the new currency in business today
  • and much more!



About Vanessa Simpkins
Vanessa Simpkins
Vanessa Simpkins is a sky rocket your confidence & cash flow mentor, speaker and author of “From Bankrupt to $900 a Day Selling Mops“.

Creator of the “Transformational Breakthrough Summit”, Vanessa helps women entrepreneurs breakthrough their inner blocks, skyrocket their confidence and put proven systems in place to attract more clients and make more money.

She's been featured in “Motivated Magazine”,  “Today's Business Women Magazine”, worked alongside personal development experts like Joe Vitale from the hit Movie “The Secret” & Marci Shimoff from “Happy for No Reason” and has also spoken at the TED EX  “Let's Spread Success” event in Montreal.

Vanessa loves teaching authentic success principals that empower and inspire **Personal & Professional FREEDOM ** to help entrepreneurs create a life and business by design instead of by default.


Contact Vanessa



What about you? Is it time for you to make a decision, set an intention and move forward to achieve your goals? Or perhaps you’ve had a similar success story you’d like to share. Leave your comment in the box below; share and Like the show with your colleagues. As always, we appreciate it!



  1. […] “Sky Rocket Your Confidence & Cash Flow” with Vanessa Simpkins (January 2013) […]

  2. Business by Design November 16, 2012 at 7:32 pm - Reply

    […] vital ingredient to long term and sustainable business advantage regardless of your business size.Winning Strategies for Business Success [caption id="attachment_869" align="alignleft" width="300" c...n] On the lead page we discussed the need for implementing certain strategies necessary […]

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