[Ep#220] Pursue Harmony and NOT the outdated ‘work-life balance’

Pursue Harmony and NOT the outdated ‘work-life balance’

Joining me today is Tom Rubens.

Tom is a business coach and founder of The Accountability Factor. He also leads MasterCoach Forum, a mastermind for elite coaches. His first book, Lifeness: Harmonize an Entrepreneurial Life was released in April, 2017.


On today’s show Tom going to share:

  • If you’re a coach, business coach, life coach, leadership coach, dating coach—whatever—Tom is going to tell you about MasterCoach Forum, an invitation only mastermind of elite coaches.
  • How to make a radical shift toward the pursuit of harmony and away from the outdated and impossible idea of “work/life balance.”
  • How to uncover your blind spots and create a harmonious culture within the organisation.



Not sure why, however the video cut out, so only a portion of the show was recorded. Go ahead and enjoy the footage we have been able to capture during Facebook Live.


About Tom: 

Tom Rubens is a business coach and founder of The Accountability Factor. He also leads MasterCoach Forum, a mastermind for elite coaches. His first book, Lifeness: Harmonize an Entrepreneurial Life was released in April, 2017.

Contact Tom:


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