Episode #87: Positioning and Packaging Your Services for Women Entrepreneurs with Desiree Stafford

Are you frustrated because you’re unable to generate consistent cash flow? Perhaps you’re stuck in your business and unable to take your small business to the next level?

Today I’m joined by small-business specialist Desiree Stafford who teaches her clients in how they can position and package their services so they can increase their income and impact, quickly.

On the show, Desire will share:

  • How to stand out in your niche
  • 3 keys to position yourself as an expert to your prospects
  • Discover why packaging your services helps your clients get better results, and
  • Much more!

Links and further resources we spoke about in the podcast today:

Today’s Inspirational Tip – it’s a Tweetable!

A dream is a goal with a deadline. Napolean Hill –> Have you set yourself a deadline?@AnnemarieCoach Tweet This

Enjoy the show!

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Now, let me introduce you to our special guest –Desiree Stafford

Desiree Stafford shows success-minded entrepreneurs who are frustrated with generating inconsistent cash flow how to breakthrough to the next level in business. She specializes in teaching her clients how to position and package their services so they can quickly increase their income and impact.

Contact DesireeDesireeStafford



What did you think about the message Desiree shared today? Have you struggled to bring in consistent cash flow? What aha’s did you have? Go ahead and share. We’d love to hear from you!

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