[Ep#277] Podcasting Your Passion as You Build Your Thought Leadership

Podcasting Your Passion as You Build Your Thought Leadership

This interview is part of our Industry Thought Leader Podcast Series where I am speaking to people to find out how they have leveraged their podcast along with their book in order to build their Thought Leadership.

Today I’m speaking with Amy Revell.

Amy is a co-host of The Art of Decluttering Podcast and is a sought after Professional Organiser and Declutter Coach. Amy is also an author, blogger, motivational speaker and loves equipping women to find freedom through decluttering and organising their homes.


On today’s show Amy is going to share:

  • Podcast about a topic that you are so passionate about you can’t imagine ever running out of content.
  • Know where in your sales funnel your podcast sits and use it accordingly. Offer lead magnets/ courses or have a clear next step that you want your listeners to do.
  • Engage your audience – read out reviews, talk about people from your social media channels, ask for listener topic ideas, interview listeners… make them feel part of the podcast and have ownership of it.


About Amy:

Amy Revell is a co-host of The Art of Decluttering Podcast and is a sought after Professional Organiser and Declutter Coach. Amy is also an author, blogger, motivational speaker and loves equipping women to find freedom through decluttering and organising their homes.

Contact Amy:

YOUR SAY:What inspired you about the message shared today? What action are you going to take within the next 24 hours?

Go ahead and share. We’d love to hear from you!


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