Episode #73: Not in the people business? Think again…with Les Schmidt

Is your business in the people business? If you answered ‘no’, think again. According to my guest Les Schmidt, every single business is in the people business.

Joining me on today’s show is Les Schmidt – an auto repair business expert who started his business at the age of 25. He sold his business 7 years later and has since then been managing auto dealerships for the last 26 years. His specialty is in customer service, effective communication and empowering people and believes these three elements have been at the core of his success and the incredible results his business and the departments he oversaw, experienced.

Today, Les is going to share key insights to help you build a successful business through the relationships you build, including:

  • How to make good income, anywhere, anytime,
  • How to be a customer and people magnet,
  • How to handle a difficult customer / person effectively,
  • and much more!

Links and further resources we spoke about in the podcast today:

This week’s special giveaway – just for you!

Get a copy of Les's ebook – pop across to his website at: www.LesSchmidt.com  enter your details in the signup box and he'll send it straight out to you!

Enjoy the show!

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Now, let me introduce you to our special guest – Les Schmidt

Les Schmidt is an Auto Repair Business expert who started his business at the age of 25 and sold it after 7 years. Since then he has managed auto dealership departments over the last 26 years. His specialty is customer service, effective communication and empowering people.

Contact Les


What about you? Are you inspired to nurture your customer relationships even more? What relationship building strategies are you using already that are working well? Please leave your comment in the box below, and remember to share and Like the show with your colleagues. Also, stop on by our Facebook page to say hello and to give us a shout out on Twitter – we promise to shout back! As always, we appreciate it!



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