[Ep #123] Money, Manifestation & Miracles with Meriflor Toneatto

Money, Manifestation & Miracles

How is your current relationship with money?

Do you have a love/hate relationship with money? Maybe you try to ignore the topic of money altogether?  Or maybe you think about money all the time, but more along the lines of “how little money you have,” and “how you’re struggling and how it’s causing you to feel in your life and in your business?”

Now according to my guest today, if you want to achieve financial freedom, wealth and happiness in your life and business – developing an effective relationship with money is critical.

Today I’m joined by Prosperity Expert & Wealth Catalyst, Meriflor Toneatto, is the Best-selling Author of Money, Manifestation & Miracles: 8 Principles for Transforming Women’s Relationship with Money.

Her company, Power With Soul, helps high-achieving women entrepreneurs and professionals across the globe transform their relationship with money and experience financial freedom, fulfillment and success.

On today’s show, Meriflor will speak about:

  • Why developing an effective relationship with money is the critical factor to achieving financial freedom, wealth and happiness in your business and life.
  • Learn the 3 keys that hold women back from greater wealth and success, and powerful ways to resolve them.
  • Discover the 8 principles for transforming women’s relationship with money as a way to celebrate the feminine approach to money, and enhance how you value yourself and your worth.

Do you have a question you’d like me to answer in an upcoming show? Or do you want to share a comment or ‘aha’ moment?

Leave me your name, business name and comment on either of the contact details below and I’ll answer your question or include your comment in an upcoming episode:

  •  (03) 9708 6930 – Within Australia
  • Click on the Contact Us link (above)

Enjoy the show!

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