Episode #83: Money and Weight: 3 Secrets to Melt Away Debt, Fat & Stress with Janis Pullen

Janis Pullen is an Executive Coach, a Certified Money Breakthrough Coach, a retired C.P.A. and Senior Sales Director and works with professionals to triumph in physical and financial fitness, including wealth, weight and leadership.

Janis is the founder of the Ontological Weight Loss and Weight of Money Programs and on today’s show will share:

  • How stress and finances can affect weight gain
  • How excess weight can impact your finances
  • 3 secrets to melt away debt, fat, and stress NOW!…so you can experience financial, physical health, and wellness immediately
  • and much more!

Links and further resources we spoke about in the podcast today:

Today’s Inspirational Tip – it’s a Tweetable!

Think clients won’t pay you what you’re worth? You’re absolutely right. Change your money belief to change your results. @AnnemarieCoach Tweet This

Enjoy the show!

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Now, let me introduce you to our special guest –Janis Pullen

Janis Pullen is an Executive Coach, a Certified Money Breakthrough Coach, a retired C.P.A. and Senior Sales Director working with professionals to triumph in physical and financial fitness, including wealth, weight and leadership. She is a speaker, trainer, and published author.

Contact Janis27e4546



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