Episode #67: Marketing For Entrepreneurs: How to boost your reach with Twitter with Keith Keller

Many ambitious entrepreneurs and small business owners find Twitter confusing. How on earth can you say something that’s relevant and interesting in just 140 characters? How can I find my ideal client and audience so I can build a relationship with them? And, how do I build my profile and awareness about my business without being labelled a spammer.

Twitter expert – Keith Keller joins us today and shares some of the techniques and strategies he uses every day that has helped him boost his personal Twitter following to over 30,000 followers. Keith speaks about:

  • How Twitter can help us boost our visibility exponentially
  • The importance of being natural and on topic
  • How we can leverage Twitter to share information and become known as a specialist in our field
  • His ‘3 Tweet Series’ formula
  • and much more!



About Keith Keller

“If Twitter & Google hooked up & had a love child I think it would be Keith Keller” Kasey Chambers:  Australian Singer/Songwriter

Melbourne based “Twitter 4 Business Specialist” Keith Keller calls himself “The Personal Trainer 4 Twitter” and with over 30,000 followers, he is now considered amongst the top 1% of Twitter users in the world.

Recently Keith was listed in the “Top 100 Australians with Social Media Influence”

He is also a popular speaker on the subject of Social Media and has appeared on numerous radio shows, teleseminars and webinars across the United States, UK, Europe, Asia, as well as Australia.

Contact Keith Keller



What about you? Does Twitter confuse you? Perhaps you LOVE Twitter and it’s working well for you when marketing your business. Let me know in the comment box below. It’s always so nice to hear from you!!  And, remember to ‘Like’ and share the podcast with your friends.



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