[Ep #47] How to Move Your Brand to the TOP to Become an International Success

How to Move Your Brand to the TOP to Become an International Success

Welcome to Episode 47 of Women In Leadership PodcastIn this episode Katerina Kapellaki and I speak about how to Move Your Brand to the TOP to Become an International Success

Katerina will share:

  • Get the REAL of how it is to be an international success
  • Insider tips on how to move your brand to the top
  • Family and Business: How to make it all work

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Quotes from our Special Guest:



Resources & Links Shared:

Additional Resources to Help You Grow Your Business:

Are you attending numerous networking events yet still struggling to attract clients who pay you what you're worth because you find it hard to define a compelling message and introduction that gets you noticed? Come to our Virtual Breakthrough Round Table and we'll show you how to create a compelling message:


Connect With Us:

  • Connect with us to find out how we can continue the conversation


Question: What's ONE aha you had? Go ahead and share it below. Also, what’s ONE thing you’re going to do within the next 24 hours? Share your comment below.


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